Tuesday, September 05, 2006

No better place!

My car inspection is over due by a few days so I needed to take it to a garage for inspection. I know I would have to leave it and walk home. But, then I was thinking about where else could I wait and not have to walk all the way back home and then walk back to the garage pick up the car in the anticipated rain expected this afternoon. The answer for me is my local Library. My library (The Middle Country Public Library) is one of the largest on Long Island. Though I have not spent much time there as I travel back and forth to Washington D.C. or am often out sailing on Long Island Sound. The Library is one of the few places where I feel I get my money's worth for the tax dollars I spend. Whether it is researching for a historical book I've been working on or just browsing for something to read or even blogging. The dollars I save by having it's resources so nearby and available are the reason why I never vote against the library budget. Now the school budget is another matter!

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