Wednesday, March 21, 2012


"A suspected child rapist is on the loose and in a statement obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement accepts responsibility for releasing him.
The man is identified by ICE as Amado Espinosa-Ramirez. Chicago police arrested him last August, and he was ultimately charged with forty-two counts of predatory sexual acts.
A publicly available inventory of the charges against Espinosa-Ramirez lists multiple counts of sexual relations within the family, multiple counts of sexual assault with the use of force and multiple counts of sexual assault involving a minor less than thirteen years old."- DAILY CALLER
It would be good if this incident was a rare failure by our Federal Government. But, that's not the case especially under the Obama administration. From the Fast and Furious scandal at the Department of Justice to this latest outrage from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Because of Obama's 'failure is an option' plan for dealing with illegal immigrants the effects continue to show up with disastrous results.


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