Saturday, November 18, 2006

Is New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson dumb as George Bush?

It's always interesting to see when a politician shoots himself in the foot. Yesterday, was one of those days. There was a story in the Washington Post about New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's call on President Bush to come to the aid of Elvira Arellano an illegal immigrant who is currently hiding in plain sight behind the doors of a church in Chicago. She entered this country illegally more than seven years ago and was also convicted of using a false Social Security number. Otherwise known as fraud! Does the Richardson know anything about enforcing the law I think he just blew his chances of running for President with this stupid stand on illegal immigration.
Here's some of Richardson's idiotic logic:

"Inaction puts our most vulnerable citizens _ the estimated three million American citizen children of illegal immigrants _ at risk."

Risk of what? Growing up in Mexico? I guess Richardson thinks if Alellano takes her son to Mexico when she is deported her son will "risk" the lost opportunity to join a U.S. Latino street gang. And another thing, if going to Mexico is so risky maybe the State Department should ban all travel there.

"The governor, whose mother is from Mexico, said that deporting Arellano will create a "terrible choice" for the family _ forcing the boy to leave his mother if he stays in the U.S. or "forfeit his right to grow up an American."

What nonsense! Following Richardson's logic no parent should be allowed to take their children outside of the U.S. to live. Because it would violate the child's "right" to grow up American. Hey Bill! No one is "FORCING" the boy to leave his mother. We are just forcing his mother to leave the country BECAUSE SHE BROKE OUR LAWS! Don't you get it Governor or are you as dumb as George W. Bush! The message that will be sent to other illegal immigrants by Gov. Bill Ricardson's call to allow Elvira Arellano to remain in the United States will be that if you ignore U.S. immigration laws, get pregnant, they will let you stay. That is the wrong message Governor Richardson! But, maybe you are as dumb as George Bush on the idea of allowing illegal immigrants to continue violate our laws with impunity.

There was some good comments in the article that there are still some people in our government who really get it but, it did not come from Bill Richardson. It came from Gail Montenegro, an ICE spokeswoman in Chicago. Here are the money quotes from the article:

"She said the agency considers Arellano one of "nearly 600,000 immigration fugitives residing in the United States."

"The agency "is required to enforce immigration laws fairly, regardless of a person's ability to generate publicity,"

"This country's immigration system, as generous as it is, is not to be exploited,"

It comments like those that show at least there are some people in our government know what enforcement really is about. Meanwhile some of our politicians like George W. Bush, Congressman Tim Bishop, Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator John McCain and now Governor Bill Richardson show they don't have a clue.


Anonymous said...

you are a racist pig.

Capt. Mike said...

A racist pig? Nah! An American who believes in immigration enforcment. YES! A registered Democrat who is dissapointed by Richardson's position on this issue. You betcha!