Monday, April 09, 2012


Well NBC NEWS is behaving like a bad politician by trying to keep the cover over it's Editgate investigation. News reports have surfaced that it had fired the "seasoned" producer who cut the piece. But, of course has not identified the person involved. Would NBC accept that stonewalling from a government official they were investigating? I think not! They also released this information on Friday night. Which is the normal way the Federal Government releases bad news because they think no one is watching.  They sometimes get away with it but, with today's New Media bloggers and citizen journalist sniffing around not so much.

At least Reuters is one news organization has been giving this journalistic outrage some coverage. Even if some so called media reporters like Howard Kurtz are giving it short shrift.

"Under growing public pressure to explain the incident, NBC News President Steve Capus provided Reuters with the fullest explanation to date of how the edited call made it on air and what the network is doing to prevent such a consequential error from happening again.

 "Two sources at the network told Reuters the Miami-based producer of the segment had been fired on Thursday.Capus said "several people" involved were disciplined, though he declined to specify the nature of the disciplinary actions, saying they were internal personnel matters. Sources at the network told Reuters on Thursday that NBC News executives did not know the emergency call was misleadingly edited until news reports surfaced days later on blogs including and"

Good thing there are people in the New Media to "fact check their ass" and let these clueless executives know what is going on in their companies. But, Capus still seems clueless to the hypocrisy that has engulfed NBC NEWS and it's leftist leaning MSNBC operation.  Especially when they hired activists like Al Sharpton as hosts with their own shows.  Here is exhibit A:

"Internally, some NBC news staffers have complained that Sharpton's unique role in the case has compounded the damage to NBC News' reputation that the edited tape caused, and contributed to an impression among its critics that the network as a whole is biased against Zimmerman, according to sources. Capus refuted that claim.
"Reverend Sharpton is a talk show host on MSNBC," Capus said. "We believe there's a distinction between the role he plays and our front line journalists who are part of NBC's news gathering and reporting. This is a large news organization that has many people involved in any number of different aspects of coverage and commentary. That's the distinction we've made as a news organization."
It seems Capus really does not know totally whats going on at his organization. If he is just dismissing the hiring of activists like Al Sharpton as merely a "talk show host" and distinct from the "front line journalists" who are part of NBC's news gathering and reporting. What does that make Andrea Mitchell who has a daytime show on MSNBC and is frequently reporting on NBC Nightly News. Hypocrisy seems to be part of the problem at NBC News. 

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