Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Bush on the Bayou

Our Texass President George W. Bush cut his vacation short by one day to return to Washington. Big F*&cking Deal. The blunderer of Baghdad now wants to get back to Washington to help cordinate recovery of the region. Even the Republican Governor of Mississipi Haley Barbour told him to stay away. The best thing for our simple minded President is to stay out of the way and let the professionals at FEMA and other organizations to handle the situation. Too bad we don't have more National Guard soldiers to come and help out in the aftermath in New Orleans but, they are still busy trying to clean up the mess Bush created over in Iraq.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

How a Republican Governor handles corruption

Republican Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher has an interesting way about handling allegations of corruption in his administration.
When a former Democratic Governor gave pardons to former campaign workers current Kentucky Lt. Gov. Steve Pence said:
"Things like that are not going to happen in a Fletcher-Pence administration."

Well, Steve it just did!

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Iraqi Constitution: Who's your daddy?

David Brooks hit a nugget of truth with this quote from his August 26th colum:
"The U.S. has orchestrated a document that is organically Iraqi.
It's their country, after all. "
The key word is "orchestrated" and that is the problem as this news story points out. Meanwhile Paul Craig Roberts is the one asking the right questions.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Wall Street Journal & Neocon laugh of the week!

It's pretty clear the White House spin machine message this week is:
The latest laugh comes from Dan Henninger on the Wall Street Journal Editorial Report Show on PBS. Here is what Henninger said:
"The violence that's seen by the outside world is defined in two ways: suicide bombers who blow up Iraqis, and roadside bombs that blow up American soldiers. Subtract those two elements, and it actually looks like a fairly normal place. "
TRANSLATION: Wasn't the play good Mrs. Lincoln except for your husband being shot.
You can't make this stuff up. Henninger obviously read the White House Talking Points. Click here to see some of what Henninger and his fellow neoconpoops consider "normal" in Iraq.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Back from the beach.

I am back at the house located in the geographical center of the Isle of Long. I spent four wonderful days on the beach in Amagansett waking every at around five am every morning to drive to Montauk Point to watch the sun rise. While watching the sunrise I often thought about how the sun rose over in Baghdad that morning and of our soldiers there and if they would all make it through the day without deaths or injuries. I hoped so. I then heard Bush saiy we can't pull out know because we need to honor those that have already died. What Bushit!There was that Christian Killer for Christ Pat Robertson talking about assisinating Venzuelas democratically elected President. I guess his apology following that remark distracted him from praying to deflect Hurricane Katrina from hitting Florida. Not that it would have helped. Iit seems God is really pissed off at some people in the state of Florida for helping George Bush to steal the election in 2000. It may be God or bad karma. Either way there seems to be some type of bad juju happening in that corrupt state.
I had wanted to blog during the week but, the sun and surf kept me near the shore and away from keyboards. Scandals await the return of reporters and congress. There is the AIPAC/Israel spy scandal and also the outing of Joe Wilson's CIA wife. I need to get to bed it will be a long drive to the wicked city and I want to be ready.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Fan of the fan

I don't have air-conditioning in my home on the Isle of Long. I use fans when I need a little cooling when the temperatures reach into the 90's as they did yesterday. I did have an air-conditioner in the bedroom that I used maybe five times. It would dim the lights when it kicked on. I finally took it out and now sits in storage. Now fans and open windows are ways I deal with summer. I still will listen listen to my neighbor complain about the electricity bill as we sometimes meet taking out the trash cans before she heads back into her house as her central air-conditioner unit turns on. I will head out to the deck to enjoy my breakfast enjoying the sounds of a summer morning.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Iraqi Groundhog Day

I awoke this morning to the news that another four U.S. soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb. It is almost like the movie Groundhog day. But, I know that it is real because I am able to turn that radio off. What I hear in head however is our smirky Texass President George Bush's macho challange to the insurgents to "Bring them on." It's a voice that I keep hearing whenever I hear the news that another U.S., service person has died in Iraq and I know that voice won't go away anytime soon..

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Gaza cry babies and Israeli arrogance.

I have been watching the biased coverage here in the U.S. of the evictions of the settlers from the Gaza strip. As usual the coprorate media here in the U.S. shows only one side of the story. We were shown images of the crying settlers pleading not to be evicted from the lands they took from the Palestinians who previously lived there. Where were the cameras when the Israel's were bulldozing Palestinian houses or the Olive groves that were tended by Palestinian farmers for years. No doubt the Israelis did not allow the press in for those operations "security reasons" you know.
What really gets me is the arrogance of Israel to try and get U.S. taxpayer dollars to help pay to move these "settlers" from the lands they took from the Palestinians. Israel is already the biggest recipient of U.S. foreign aid and they still owe us BIG TIME for the cost in lives and dollars in removing Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
There are voices of reason and fairness in Israel that know that occupation of Gaza was morally wrong. But, some of these Israel's are also paying the price for removing these settlers. I say good riddance to these pampered settlers. But, now it is also time for the Palestinians to step up to the plate and make Gaza a better place for themselves. They will not have the excuse of the Israeli occupation anymore. *

Friday, August 19, 2005

Gas prices: Sometimes you win and sometimes we all lose..

I left Washington yesterday heading for the Isle of Long for my annual week on the beach out in Amagansett being amused by the Neurotic Yorkers who abandon Manhattan on the weekends. Driving my girlfriends 1986 Honda (with 65,000 original miles on the odometer) I left DC at 5:30 am and stopped at Helens's Sausage House in Smyra Delaware for a sausage breakfast and Pork Chop sandwich to go. I then drove to I-95 and headed north.
Stopping for gas on the New Jersey Turnpike I filled up the tank and was pleasantly surprised to find myself paying $2.38 per gallon for 89 Octane. The gas on the turnpike gas stations is priced weekly and is based on the average price gas at stations in the state of New Jersey. They just updated the price and the gas I bought yesterday would cost an additional 14 cents per gallon this morning. How did this happen?
Of course there are places where we U.S. taxpayers could go to get really cheap gas especially since we are already paying for it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

John Bolton visits Judy Miller in jail?

Arianna Huffington has a report that before he assumed his back door appointment at the UN. John Bolton went to pay a visit to the Bush's Iraq war enabler reporter Judy Miller. What's that all about? Too bad the corporate media has all their resources in Aruba looking for missing white women you might think someone might find it a little curious or at least wonder where that fishy neocon smell is coming from.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bush hides while Cindy asks why?

The usual Bush game plan is give the baseball bats to others like the folks at Fox News to take care of their "problems". The case in point is the war against Cindy Sheehan.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Lowering expectations and covering their asses.

"The Bush administration is significantly lowering expectations of what can be achieved in Iraq, recognizing that the United States will have to settle for far less progress than originally envisioned during the transition due to end in four months, according to U.S. officials in Washington and Baghdad." -Washington Post Sunday, August 14, 2005

Lowering expectations is nothing new when it comes to George Bush and his administration. They also need help on their math skills.
What was it nutty neocon fella Paul Wolfowitz said before the war
oh yes now I remember.

Friday, August 12, 2005


'Listen, I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan, She feels strongly about her position, and she has every right in the world to say what she believes. . . . I've heard her position from others, which is, get out of Iraq now. And it would be a mistake for the security of this country and the ability to lay the foundations for peace in the long run if we were to do so."-George Bush

No, George the mistake was to go into Iraq in the first place with less troops than needed to secure it. Meanwhile here with 10 million illegals who have walked across our borders and continue to do so our country is a long way from being secure.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Oil and gas prices at record highs! Here is why.

With Bush and Cheney two oil industry men in the White House how is it that oil prices have more than doubled in just a few years? The answer is in this book

"Whenever you wonder why things happen it is useful to ask who benefits?"

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bush Economic team sweating and spinning at the ranch..

While Bush and his economic team meet in Crawford Texas to try and figure out ways to spin how great the economy is doing Treasury Secretary John Snow said this:

"The idea there is to explore the things that produce broad-based prosperity,"

TRANSLATION: I guess we screwed the middle and lower classes with all those tax cuts we gave to the rich after all.

Yeah, and pay no attention to that deficit behind the curtain.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


President Bush signed a new Energy Bill yesterday that was created in the back rooms of Washington with Dick Cheney and those wonderful folks at Enron among others in the energy industry. Here is a little energy quiz for you.

Which country has a cleaner, more sustainable and renewable energy policy for the future the United States or China ?

Here is a hint and here is a hint .

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Shoreham glad but, Bush's energy plan is bad.

I ran into former New York Governor Mario Cuomo yesterday in Washington. I shook his hand and thanked him for his stand against opening the Shoreham nuclear plant on Long Island. I then mentioned that the NRC had issued a warning to nuclear plant operators that Bin Laden had targeted nuclear power plants and thanked him for removing that target from Long Island. It's too bad President Bush did not read that memo before he pushed the building of more nuclear power plant construction in the energy bill he will sign into law today. But, then again he has habit of not reading important memos.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Meanwhile back at the Ranch

Like the mad dog (not the englishman) he is President Bush is back at his ranch. Jogging in 100 degree heat while our troops fight in 120 in Iraq. On this day I am reminded of August 6, 2001. Bush was back on the ranch that day too when he recieved the following PDB (Presidential Daily Breifing) and then went fishing. The rest is history.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Novak runs but, he can't hide

Something must really be bugging Robert Novak these days or should I say bulldogging him like a special prosecuter looking into the outing of a covert CIA agent by White House officals.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Bush Coffee, Cocaine and Columbia

The photo op in Crawford yesterday with President Bush and the president of Columbia reminded me of a conversation I had onboard a cruise ship heading down the Yangstee River in China a few weeks ago. I was chatting with a couple from Columbia. They mentioned that Columbia had noticed that there was a lot of money flowing back into Columbia from the U.S. and that the government did not know if it was from illegal aliens sending money back or drug money. To me it does not matter since they are both were gained by breaking U.S. law. I wonder if Bush asked about this in his meetings with the Columbian President or even about this story.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Bush is a poor example of intelligent design.

I almost have to laugh when I see the words intelligent and Bush anywhere close to each other. His latest utterance on intelligent design:

"I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought," Bush said. "You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, the answer is yes."

Since when has he been exposed to different intelligent ideas? Yeah, like invading Iraq was such a brilliant idea! Best idea since the Alamo, right George?

Novak's nonsense

Columinist Bob Novak in a column this week tries to defend why he should not be a cell mate with Judy Miller and maybe some Bush Administration officals. TPM has a good look at what is wrong with the picture Novak is trying to paint.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Republican Justice?

As John Bolton enters the UN through the back door. The Republicans in congress may still seek to allow the White House officals an open window to escape prosecution for leaking the name of a covert CIA agent. It's been done before.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Last Talker.

"Charlie's life has no foreshadowing or ending. As long as wind blows, his life and legacy will continue to twist and turn along courses only wild horses know."

RIP Charles "Charlie" J. Chibitty, the last World War II Comanche code talker