Thursday, November 30, 2006

No Oil left behind!

"Suppose, for a minute, that Bush and his war advisers aren't simply bullheaded boobs, feckless fanatics, or delusional dunderheads (the proposition strains credulity, I realize, but bear with me). Let's go down this path, as a thought experiment. "

John Seery's blog gives a reminder of why after so many years after the U.S. military completed the mission which we were told was removing Saddam Hussein from power. We still continue to take causalities while the situation on the ground gets worse instead of better. Even as the Washington Post reports that the Iraqi Study Group is calling for a withdrawal of U.S, troops from Iraq George W. Bush refuses to acknowledge it. Why? Again, John Seery has an answer:

"Bush and Cheney, as wily and wangling ex-oil executives, aren't simply going to walk away from those vast oil reserves without a fight."

Yep, it's no oil left behind!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Well, I'm not impressed.

"Several members of a government board appointed to guard privacy and civil liberties during the war on terror say they're impressed with the protections built into the Bush administration's electronic eavesdropping program," -Associated Press

But, as Justin Rood points out we really need to take this boards report with a grain of salt. Here is the money quote from Rood's report:

"As Kate Martin of the watchdog group Center for National Security Studies told me today: "They're using this board for public window-dressing, which is what we were worried they would do.""

Why should we citizens be skeptical of the Bush Administration actions on important issues like this? Perhaps this quote from a Bush Administration officals will refresh your memory:

"The [Bush] aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' which he defined as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.'' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued. ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
-Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush
By RON SUSKIND October 17, 2004

Monday, November 27, 2006

Crossing Jordan on Illegal Immigration

The Washington Post reports on how the Democrats may go slow on certain legislation. One of them is immigration reform. here the article only quotes Josh Bernstein of the National Immigration Law Center, which supports broad-based changes to help illegals.

Bernstein said, A major rewrite of immigration laws "is enormously complicated,"

Enormously complicated, Mr Bernstein?
Not if you look at immigration the way the late Democratic Texas Congresswoman Barbara Jordan did when she said:

"Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: Those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave." "...for the system to be credible, people actually have to be deported at the end of the process."

Let's hope the Democrats will remember those words from this wise black woman from Texas when they tackle the problem of illegal immigration.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Good Kennedy, bad Kennedy & dead Kennedy's

When it comes to looking at the elite owners of political America. Two names comes to mind the Bush's and the Kennedy's. Both dynasties try real hard to scrub their images so it looks clean for the history books. However, when it comes to bad Karma the Kennedy's seemed to have acquired more than their share. Though with the continued carnage in Iraq George W. Bush may be filling up the Bush family bad karma bucket faster than the Kennedy's lately.
I'm thinking about the Kennedy's lately not only because of the new Emilio Estevez film BOBBY about the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. But, also because of commercials I have seen here in the Washington D.C. area promoting former congressman Joe Kennedy's Citizen's Energy project which provides low cost heating oil to individuals and families who can not afford the cost of heating oil to heat their homes. A good noble cause indeed. I contrast Joe Kennedy's good work with that of his uncle Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy who worked to make sure that a wind energy farm was not erected anywhere near property he and his wealthy neighbors owned because it would spoil their views. The fact that wind power would help to wean this country off of a dependence on imported oil does not seem to matter to limo liberals like Ted Kennedy. So while Joe Kennedy tries to help Americans, Senator Ted Kennedy hurts America by his actions against wind power projects and that does not make for good karma.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Oil: The good, the bad and the reality!

Funny how an election can change the corporate mindset of some companies:

"While the political debate over global warming continues, top executives at many of the nation's largest energy companies have accepted the scientific consensus about climate change and see federal regulation to cut greenhouse gas emissions as inevitable."
Not to mention where it spends its money:
"Exxon Mobil Corp., the highest-profile corporate skeptic about global warming, said in September that it was considering ending its funding of a think tank that has sought to cast doubts on climate change. "
-Washington Post (11/25/06)
Instead of funding "think tanks" to try and make the science fit their wishes. Companies like Exxon Mobil could save shareholders a lot of money and get some free information on issues such as global warming elsewhere. How do I know? A little bird told me! But, I do not need the information from it or even Al Gore to tell me that something is going on I saw it with my own eyes last year.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Be thankful...

You are not living in Iraq!

"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace"
-George W. Bush
"Death Toll for Iraqis Reaches New High"
-Washington Post Headline Thanksgiving Day 2006

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A small step...

The Homeland Security Department will require virtually all air travelers entering the United States after Jan. 23 to show passports _ even U.S. citizens.
Because of a 2004 law passed by Congress mandated the change to require passports as the only acceptable travel document, with few exceptions, but the exact date had been in question.
Well, this is a first good small step in securing the U.S. and helping to keep out those who enter this country illegally. Now about those land borders Mr Chertoff....

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hats off to Hazelton and it's Mayor Lou Barretta!

60 Minutes ran a piece last night about the problems the community of Hazelton Pennsylvania is facing regarding illegal immigrantion. Hats off to Hazelton Pennsylvania mayor Lou Barretta who is showing some extraordinary leadership as Mayor of Hazelton in address the illegal immigration problem in his community. Unlike other mayors like Michael Bloomberg of New York who ignore the problem of illegal immigration and even condone lawbreaking.
Mayor Barretta has the money quote about the REAL cause of the problem:

"Immigration is a job that has always been handled by the federal government. Asked why he is getting involved, Barletta tells Kroft, "Well, obviously if the federal government was doing something about it you wouldn't be here today. And I wouldn't be talking about it. "

Baretta is right on where the problems lies. But, when the Federal Government fails as it has on enforcing our immigration laws it is good to see that local governments can succeed.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Is New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson dumb as George Bush?

It's always interesting to see when a politician shoots himself in the foot. Yesterday, was one of those days. There was a story in the Washington Post about New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's call on President Bush to come to the aid of Elvira Arellano an illegal immigrant who is currently hiding in plain sight behind the doors of a church in Chicago. She entered this country illegally more than seven years ago and was also convicted of using a false Social Security number. Otherwise known as fraud! Does the Richardson know anything about enforcing the law I think he just blew his chances of running for President with this stupid stand on illegal immigration.
Here's some of Richardson's idiotic logic:

"Inaction puts our most vulnerable citizens _ the estimated three million American citizen children of illegal immigrants _ at risk."

Risk of what? Growing up in Mexico? I guess Richardson thinks if Alellano takes her son to Mexico when she is deported her son will "risk" the lost opportunity to join a U.S. Latino street gang. And another thing, if going to Mexico is so risky maybe the State Department should ban all travel there.

"The governor, whose mother is from Mexico, said that deporting Arellano will create a "terrible choice" for the family _ forcing the boy to leave his mother if he stays in the U.S. or "forfeit his right to grow up an American."

What nonsense! Following Richardson's logic no parent should be allowed to take their children outside of the U.S. to live. Because it would violate the child's "right" to grow up American. Hey Bill! No one is "FORCING" the boy to leave his mother. We are just forcing his mother to leave the country BECAUSE SHE BROKE OUR LAWS! Don't you get it Governor or are you as dumb as George W. Bush! The message that will be sent to other illegal immigrants by Gov. Bill Ricardson's call to allow Elvira Arellano to remain in the United States will be that if you ignore U.S. immigration laws, get pregnant, they will let you stay. That is the wrong message Governor Richardson! But, maybe you are as dumb as George Bush on the idea of allowing illegal immigrants to continue violate our laws with impunity.

There was some good comments in the article that there are still some people in our government who really get it but, it did not come from Bill Richardson. It came from Gail Montenegro, an ICE spokeswoman in Chicago. Here are the money quotes from the article:

"She said the agency considers Arellano one of "nearly 600,000 immigration fugitives residing in the United States."

"The agency "is required to enforce immigration laws fairly, regardless of a person's ability to generate publicity,"

"This country's immigration system, as generous as it is, is not to be exploited,"

It comments like those that show at least there are some people in our government know what enforcement really is about. Meanwhile some of our politicians like George W. Bush, Congressman Tim Bishop, Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator John McCain and now Governor Bill Richardson show they don't have a clue.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

ENRON & the numbers racket.

In the Business section of today's Washington Post is an article about the sentencing of ENRON's chief accountant Richard A. Causey. It's too bad that news like this is not more prominent in the news. Because it would serve as a lesson to those in business that ethics and morality don't stop at the door of a corporations headquarters. The "money" quote from the article:

"But prosecutors on the Justice Department's since-disbanded Enron Task Force contended that fraud could not have flourished without Causey's actions and his failure to blow the whistle on others."

Causey got off easy at least he is not joining Ken Lay in Hell. But, I guess unlike the criminal mindset of some of the Enron executives we have to realize that we can't have it all!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The sanctity of marriage?

The Washington Post had a front page article on an illegal immigrant marriage scam that was occurring in Arlington Virginia. Where illegal immigrants would pay to get married in order to obtain citizenship in the U.S. It took four years for authorities to complete the investigation of this scam. But to me the money quote comes at the very end of the article where the judge in the case shows at least he gets what the basic problem is in regards to illegal immigration:

"U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee offered a few words of comfort to Chepkwony at her recent plea hearing. But his sympathy only went so far.
"America is composed of -- is a nation of immigrants," he said. "Everyone here came from somewhere else. However . . . there are rules on how one can immigrate to live here permanently."You did not follow the rules."

Friday, November 10, 2006

Immigration Insanity!

Newsweek editor Fareed Zakaria (Another Chance on Immigration. WP 11/6/06) shows the typical corporate elite media response to the illegal immigration issue. First, he tries to downplay it's importance to the American people by claiming it is only fifth on a list of concerns. After Iraq, terrorism, the economy and health care. The fact that is one of the top ten issues should make any politician (except maybe George Bush) wake up and take notice.
He then goes on to say it will make “political sense” for the politicians to come together and make a “deal”on illegal immigration. He cites that John McCain because of his pushing the McCain/Kennedy amnesty bill in the senate needs to get the illegal immigration of the table before his run for President. Oh really? So rather than be concerned about the effect and costs of the influx of illegal immigrants into communities around the country it is more important for the Washington politicians to get the issue hidden from view as soon as possible. The public be damned! Zakaria's elitism is showing again.
He then says “comprehensive reform” aka amnesty is the only way forward. But, ignores the history of illegal immigration policy. In 1986 Congress granted an amnesty to the three million illegal immigrants estimated to be in the U.S. at that time. Today, there are an estimated twelve to twenty million illegal immigrants in the U.S. and he wants the politicians to do another amnesty. Of course he and the other elites call it “comprehensive reform”. Expecting different results from another amnesty program as Zakaria proposes is the very definition of insanity.

More Bush butt covering.

One thing you can say about the Bush family they know how to cover their butts (as do the Kennedy's) and they seem to get away with it because most people are not looking, or they hide the evidence so well that only the most intrepid investigators can find it. That is if it is not protected behind the walls of a presidential "executive order".
Maureen Dowd lays this all out in her column yesterday. A very funny yet insightful piece about what is really going on in Washington. While most of America sleeps Bush operatives work behind the scenes including the new Secretary of Defense Bob Gates cleaning up the mess the blundering boy George W. Bush has created. Heres some of Dowd's funny and insightful column:
The Problem:
"Poppy Bush and James Baker gave Sonny the presidency to play with and he broke it. So now they’re taking it back." "They are dragging W. away from those reckless older guys who have been such a bad influence and getting him some new minders who are a lot more practical. "

On Rumsfeld's sacking:
"In a scene that might be called “Murder on the Oval Express,” Rummy turned up dead with so many knives in him that it’s impossible to say who actually finished off the man billed as Washington’s most skilled infighter. (Poppy? Scowcroft? Baker? Laura? Condi? The Silver Fox? Retired generals? Serving generals? Future generals? Troops returning to Iraq for the umpteenth time without a decent strategy? Democrats? Republicans? Joe Lieberman?)

The Plan:
"Mr. Gates, already on Mr. Baker’s “How Do We Get Sonny Out of Deep Doo Doo in Iraq?” study group, left his job protecting 41’s papers at Texas A&M to return to Washington and pry the fingers of Poppy’s old nemesis, Rummy, off the Pentagon."

BCP NOTE: My advice to anyone working at the Pentagon or even the Whitehouse is make sure you write down everything you see that is going on. Because as the political whitewash begins a lot of history may be covered over!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rumsfeld is now a real dead ender!

With the "thumpin" yesterday of Donald Rumsfeld the admited Liar in Chief George Bush let go of the most loyal Neo-conartists in his administration. In a perfect example of "be careful what you wish for you may get it" Rumsfeld was one of the people who signed the 1998 PNAC letter calling for an attack on Iraq sent to Bill Clinton. Rumsfeld and the other Neo-conartists who signed the letter had to wait until 2003 to find someone dumb enough to listen to this advice in the form of George Bush. However, the wisdom of listening to Rumsfeld and the other Neo-conartists should be apparent by reading these quotes:

"It is unknowable how long that conflict [the war in Iraq] will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months." -in Feb. 2003" -Don Rumsfeld
"If I know the answer I'll tell you the answer, and if I don't, I'll just respond, cleverly."
-Don Rumsfeld

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Adrienne Shelly and Mary Nagle have a lot to talk about.

The horrible murder of actress Adrienne Shelly is one more reminder to me of how important this election day is. Politicans from President George Bush and my Congressman Tim Bishop along with Hillary Clinton , Ted Kennedy, John McCain , Chuck Schumer etc.. continue to push for amnesty for illegal immigrants and continue look the other way when it comes to the enforcement of current immigration laws. I wonder how many more murders of American citizens like Adrienne Shelly and Mary Nagle will occur before they realize that we can not allow illegals to break our immigration laws because it decreases respect for our laws and results in the deaths of people like Adrienne Shelly and Mary Nagle. The spirts of Adrienne and Mary where ever they are will have a lot to talk about. While the families they leave behind will have only their memories.

Monday, November 06, 2006

A BCP energy reminder!

With the mid term elections coming up tomorrow here is a reminder to fill up you gas tanks today. Even though there is a stockpile of oil and oil prices are under $60 a barrel there is that little factor of refining capacity. If the Democrats win at least one of the houses there will be little incentive for the Bush administration to keep gas prices low as they did before the election to help the Republicans. So expect Bush's oil buddy cronies to once again make a whole lot of money in the next two years of the Bush administration. Unfortunately, that money will be coming out of our pockets!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Congressman Tim Bishop can you read me?

As the election nears political signs are springing up here on Long Island. So I decided to put up my own political sign on my car as I drive around. This election will be the first time this life long registered Democrat will be voting for the Republican congressional candidate Italo Zanzi. Even though I have voted for Democrat Tim Bishop twice before I won't be pulling his lever on November 7th. The reason is written on this sign!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Someone smack Shakira's butt!

Latin pop star Shakira dominated the Latin Grammy awards last night but, she also took the time to put her butt into the illegal immigration issue here in the states. I love it when wealthy millionaires, billionaires and Washington politicians who live in seclusion behind their gated palaces and have no clue as to what is going on in middle class communities in the United States regarding illegal immigration speak out.
Here's how the pro-illegal immigration Long Island newspaper
Newsday described her statement:

"She threw her support to those trying to become citizens as they work without documentation.
"I hope soon they will receive they recognition they deserve from the government," said the Colombian superstar said."

I agree Shikira. I too hope they get the recognition they deserve from our government too! The recognition that they are in this country illegally and need to be deported ASAP!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bush vs Kerry jokes.

Well, John Kerry has finally issued an apology about his botched joke but, the Bush Administration never has on some of the things they have done and said. As this Washington Post article points out:

"Cheney also jumped into the fray, his office so eager that in a rare move it sent out advance excerpts from a speech given later in the day. "Senator Kerry said he was just making a joke and he botched it up,"

Where as the Bush administration only made war in Iraq and BOTCHED that up right Dick!


"Bush for the second day took aim at his old foe as well. "It didn't sound like a joke to me," he said in an interview with news services. In a separate interview with radio host Rush Limbaugh, Bush said, "Anybody who is in a position to serve this country ought to understand the consequences of words ..."

Indeed! Let''s roll back the tape to December 20, 2000 when then "President Elect" George Bush said this after meeting with some Congressional leaders:

"I told all four that there were going to be some times where we don't agree with each other. But that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

Well, that does not sound like a joke to me either President Bush!