Friday, December 01, 2006

Another dumb Democrat.

Add Mississippi Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson to the dumb as George W.Bush list in regards to illegal immigration enforcement. The Washington Times reports that:
Rep. Bennie Thompson said in a letter to Cintas Corp. it could be charged with "illegal activities in violation of state and federal law" if any of its 32,000 employees are terminated because they gave incorrect Social Security numbers to be hired.

The real frighting thing is this dumb Mississippi Democrat is in line to become chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. Yet, here he is warning the nation's largest uniform supplier that it faces criminal charges if it tries to recheck workers with mismatched Social Security numbers and fire those who cannot resolve the discrepancy in 60 days. This should be part of Homeland Security enforcement. Requiring employers to verify that the workers they hire are not illegal immigrants and are in this country legally. This action by corporations should be encouraged not discouraged as Congressman Thompson is doing. If this is an example of how the Democrats are going enforce immigration laws they can't be booted out of office fast enough.

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