Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Is Senator Patrick Leahy listening to what he is saying?

Well, the Senate Judiciary committee is trying it's best to cram down the throats of U.S. taxpayers an amnesty bill for illegal immigrants. While ignoring the FAILURE of the Federal government to protect our borders and enforce our immigration laws. They are attempting to push the amnesty for the illegals and once again sweep the problem under the rug like they did in 1986 when the country had three million illegals but, now has 12 to 20 million. Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy shows how clueless he is on the problem. Here is one of his pathetic justifications for amnesty legislation.

"Finding help on the farm is becoming increasingly difficult for hundreds of Vermont farms. Many have turned to migrant workers from Mexico and Central America. Currently, Vermont dairies are depending on an estimated 2,000 foreign workers."

2,000 workers! How about 40,000 illegals here on Long Island Senator. How 10% of our county jail cells being used to house illegal immigrants who have committed crimes in our communities. How about 3.5 billion dollars in costs to New York State taxpayers for costs related to illegal immigrants.

"The President has acknowledged that “you cannot deport 10 million people who have been here working.”

So now Leahy is agreeing with George Bush! The problem is Senator Leahy that because of the FAILURE of you and others in the Federal Government to enforce our immigration laws the illegal immigrants do not respect the laws. You think by granting an amnesty to those have been able to evade our laws is going to solve the problem? You are truly delusional Senator! Because the illegals do not respect our laws giving them amnesty will only encourage others to do the same and wait for the next amnesty. You and the others pushing for comprehensive immigration reform are not solving the problem you are creating a bigger problem.

It's offical the Federal Government is stuck on stupid!

A story in the Rocky Mountain News makes it offical our Federal Government is stuck on stupid: Here are some of the money quotes:

"Illegal immigrants say they were working on a military housing project outside Buckley Air Force Base within days after a major immigration raid there last year. "

"Immigration officials said at the time that they were protecting national security and sending a message to employers with the Sept. 20 raid, which nabbed more than 120 workers. "

"Most of the workers were from Mexico and were quickly deported. Others came from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Three had outstanding criminal warrants and were turned over to Aurora police. "

"Julio Cesar Rodriguez, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, told the Rocky Mountain News he was back on the job a few days after the raid. "

"So was Martin Torrez, who said he saw about a dozen workers who returned to Buckley after they were deported. "

So my fellow Americans do you feel secure yet? Knowing what a great job our Federal officals are doing on illegal immigration!

Stock Market wisdom

Stock Sell-Off in China Hits Wall Street Dow Tumbles 3.3% in Biggest Loss Since '03
-Washington Post headline

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Have I got a Presidential candidate for you!

If you don't trust John McCain and Rudolf Giuliani to protect our borders and curb illegal immigration. If you are sick of the free rides offered by the mainstream media on the Obama bandwagon. If you are tired of waiting around for Hillary to admit she made a mistake about the Iraq War vote. If you know in your heart that their are much smarter people in Texas than President Bush. Then have a got a candidate for you!:
Who is Ron Paul you say? Get a little taste by reading this.

Monday, February 26, 2007

From the folks who bought you porous borders!

"The Bush administration Thursday announced its plan to have U.S. inspectors oversee Mexican trucking companies that carry cargo across the border."- Washington Post

Just when you think the illegal immigration problem can't get any worse the weasels in Washington push Mexican trucks on our highways. Here is the money quote:

"The Bush pilot project will allow Mexican truck companies to travel from Mexico throughout the United States and back. No hazardous material shipments will be permitted."

Of course their is no mention of illegal immigrants. Don't expect that Bush administration which can not see an illegal immigration problem if they camped out on the White House lawn to enforce immigration law when semi trailers filled with illegals from Mexico start to travel our highways let alone borders areas.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

While you were working...

While most Americans were working hard to meet expenses and to pay their taxes it seems some businesses and their workers were not...

"Three top executives of a janitorial service used by such national restaurant chains as Hard Rock Cafe and ESPN Zone face charges of tax evasion, fraud and harboring illegal immigrants, U.S. officials announced yesterday, after overnight raids in 18 states netted about 200 undocumented workers"<BCP NEWS MEDIA BIAS ALERT: aka illegal immigrants

"Commercial cleaning services are a $100 billion U.S. industry employing nearly 1 million workers across the private sector. According to prosecutors, RCI supervisors and about 155 on-site managers allegedly hired hundreds of workers since 1997 without job applications, W-4 tax withholding or I-9 employment eligibility forms, or W-2 wage and tax statements. The company recruited through word of mouth and advertisements at job fairs, festivals and in Spanish-language newspapers. In one case, an employee allegedly bought 20 phony green cards.

"The trio allegedly failed to pay $18.6 million in federal employment taxes on $54 million in custodial and grounds-keeping contracts between 2001 and 2005 at the chains, which also included House of Blues, Planet Hollywood, Dave and Busters, Yard House and China Grill, U.S. officials said."

How many other businesses are breaking U.S. laws while hardworking middle class taxpayers work and play and pay by the rules?

The fascism of the NRA

After a noted and respected hunter named Jim Zumbo made a comment on his blog about how he did not think there was any reason for hunters to use assault rifles in hunting. The National Rifle Association and the gun industry came down hard on Mr. Zumbo. It seems freedom of speech does not sit well with the National Rifle Association especially where opinions about guns by even their own members are concerned. Perhaps they should change their name to the Fascist Rifle Association.

A job to die for?

"In a largely invisible cost of the war in Iraq, nearly 800 civilians working under contract to the Pentagon have been killed and more than 3,300 hurt doing jobs normally handled by the U.S. military, according to figures gathered by The Associated Press. "

Friday, February 23, 2007


I woke up this morning to a business report on WCBS Newsradio in New York that the U.S. consumption of oil increased by 2% last year. If President Bush would show some leadership on reducing U.S. oil consumption instead of just making speeches. He does the talk but, never does the walk. But, we should not expect much from oil men like Bush and Cheney. They can't leave office fast enough! Our energy consumption like the polices of this administration from the war to illegal immigration are going in the wrong direction.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lindsey Graham a Republican for La Raza

Just in case you think it's only some dumb Democrats pandering to the pro illegal immigrant lobby along comes Republican Lindsey Graham getting an award from the pro-illegal amnesty crowd at La Raza.

Invaders or heros?

"Jupiter -- Facing a crowd of several hundred Guatemalans, President Oscar Berger Perdomo pledged Saturday to lobby President Bush for comprehensive immigration reform and vowed to strengthen ties between his government and Guatemalans living here. 'I came to listen to their preoccupations and needs,' Berger told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel in an interview before his speech. 'These people are the heroes and heroines of Guatemala.' "

So let's understand this. The head of a foreign government comes to this country and proclaims his nationals who have broken our immigration laws heroes? How long do the idiot's in Washington from President Bush on down to the dumb Democrats pushing for amnesty for illegals think the American people will put up with this insult and the illegal immigrant siuation?

Rape rooms, death rooms and Newsrooms

In the run up to the war much was made by the Washington war machine flacks about the Saddam Hussein's sons raping Iraqi woman that they saw on the street. Yesterday, a second U.S. soldier pleaded guilty in raping a young Iraqi woman and then murdering her and members of her family. So much for the United States having the moral high ground in this war.
What struck me in the coverage of this story was how two different media outlets covered the story of the rape and murder. Here is how the Washington Post/AP described the soldiers testimony about the rape and murders:

"I lifted up her skirt and took off her stockings while Barker held her hands with his knees," he said before admitting that he raped the teenager as she screamed. "After I was done, myself and Barker switched spots."

Now here is the Reuters report on the testimony:

"While we were playing cards Barker and Green started talking about having sex with an Iraqi female. Barker and Green had already known..." Cortez said before breaking down. He bowed his head and remained silent, sniffling occasionally, for a full minute before continuing.
"Barker and Green had already known what, um, house they wanted to go to ... knew only one male was in the house, and knew it would be an easy target," Cortez said.
Once at the house, Green, the suspected ringleader, took the girl's mother, father and little sister into a bedroom, Cortez said, while he and Barker took the teenager, Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, to the living room.
"She kept squirming and trying to keep her legs closed and saying stuff in Arabic," Cortez said.
During the time me and Barker were raping Abeer, I heard five or six gunshots that came from the bedroom. After Barker was done, Green came out of the bedroom and said that he had killed them all, that all of them were dead," Cortez said.
"Green then placed himself between Abeer's legs to rape her," Cortez said, sniffing audibly. When Green was finished, he "stood up and shot Abeer in the head two or three times." The entire crime took about five minutes to carry out, he added.
Cortez said the girl knew her parents and sister had been shot while she was being raped. He said she screamed and cried throughout the assault."

If the American public only reads stories from the Associated Press and other mainstream U.S. news organizations who reported this story they may never fully understand why there is such hostility to the United States. The Reuters report shows the brutality and horror of the actions of these U.S. soldiers. A brutality and indifference that matches that of Saddam Hussein and his sons. This hypocrisy of horror is not lost in the Arab world. In the American news media the horror of what happened to this young Iraqi girl and her family is buried under news stories about Anna Nicole Smith. When will the American public wake up that we are not always looked upon as a shining light anymore in many parts of the world.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Eating their own.

The Washington Post has an article on left wing bloggers attacking moderate Democrats like Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher in California because they feel she is not strong enough against the war for their left wing agenda. It is amazing to me how such left wing Democrats can turn on moderates of their own party like Representative Tauscher and in the process will probably help Republicans in 2008 by destroying such moderate Democrats. It's one thing to be against the war it's another thing to help hand ammunition to the Republicans. But, the Dems have their crazy ideologues as the Republicans have to deal with theirs. The important thing for the rest of us is to make sure these crazies of both parties don't destroy the people on the middle ground where the common sense lies.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Blowback and the payback in Afghanistan

Yesterday President Bush gave a speech to the chicken hawk crowd at the American Enterprise Institute. In addition to banging the war drums for an attack on Iran he also mentioned that we need to send more troops back into Afghanistan. As our concentration on Iraq has allowed the situation in Afghanistan to start to disintegrate. Bush has been "shocked" to find that the Iranians may be sending weapons into Iraq. That may be but, those weapons could be coming from other sources too. Like the Russians. Putin has been raising his voice about Bush and the U.S. policy in Iraq and I am sure he has not forgotten what the U.S policy was when the Russians invaded Afghanistan in 1979.
We supplied the Osama Bin Ladan and the Mujaheddin with weapons and supplies to fight the Russians. Of course the blowback from that resulted in 9/11 in 2001. Now we are in the region and it would not surprise me that Putin and the Russians are behind bringing in weapons into the region too as we did back in the 1980's. I am sure it would be very tempting for the Russians to make the U.S. position in Iraq and Afghanistan a living hell as the U.S. had done to Russia in Afghananstan.

"Carter advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski stated "According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise." Brzezinski himself played a fundamental role in crafting U.S. policy, which, unbeknownst even to the Mujahideen, was part of a larger strategy "to induce a Soviet military intervention." In a 1998 interview with Le Nouvel Observateur, Brzezinski recalled proudly:
"That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Soviets into the Afghan trap..." [...]"The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter. We now have the opportunity of giving to the Soviet Union its
Vietnam War"

Unfortunately, Russia is much closer to region than we were back in the 1980's and so it would be much easier for them logistically to supply the weapons. Considering the difficulties we made for the Russians in Afghanistan I think the payback to the U.S. will be a bitch and unfortunately our troops this time may be the ones who will pay the price instead of the Russians.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What about the children and the country's future?

Stacy Garfinkle in her On Parenting blog in the Washington Post references a report about which countries do the best job in raising children. According to the report the U.S. and Britain are 20th and 21st. Here are some of the money quotes:

"The U.S. has the largest percentage of children living in households with equivalent income less than 50 percent of the nation's median. It has the largest number of 11-, 13-, and 15-year-olds living in single-parent households and in step-families. More U.S. teens give birth than their peers in any other country on the list. The U.S. has one of the worst infant mortality rates and low birth-weight rates."

and then there was this real money quote:

"While there were some interesting conclusions, such as that the study's authors found no obvious link between a country's wealth and the well-being of the country's children, many of the results point to one key difference between the Northern European countries and the U.S. -- diversity."

But, Ms. Garfinkle continues to ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room with the following statement:

"Though they have their strengths, the Northern European countries listed in the report are much more homogenous in race and culture than the U.S. I, for one, am not ready to say that my family would be better off living there. Our kids gain more than they lose by living in a country of diverse culture, race, religion, language and backgrounds so long as we keep their minds open to learning from each other."

Certainly a diverse culture from various ethnic groups can nourish the country. But, Garfinkle puts on the liberal blinders with such statements "as long as we keep our minds open". That's fine but, we can't allow our borders to be as open as they are now either. Because the "diversity" Garfinkle extols can also drag the country down as the statistics regarding the dropout rate of Hispanic immigrants show that 44% drop out of high school. For native born Hispanics the rate is 16%. Garfinkle and many others in the country fail to realize that the United States will not easily move forward if we continue to allow more illegals into the country only to become part of an increasingly uneducated workforce.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Congressman Charlie Norwood

Congressman Charlie Norwood died yesterday in his home in Augusta Georgia. I met him last year in Washington. Even though I am a lifelong registered Democrat and Norwood was a Conservative Republican we still had some common ground on issues like illegal immigration.
Congressman Norwood also worked for all the American people in trying to push through a patients bill of rights:

"Rep. Norwood worked throughout much of his career to pass a patients' bill of rights, aimed at giving people better access to health care and greater ability to sue insurers. Over a decade, the bill passed through the House twice, but it failed after compromises needed to avoid a presidential veto caused Rep. Norwood to lose support in Congress. He reintroduced the bill before leaving Washington last week."

But, it was on dealing with the illegal immigration issue that Norwood won my respect.

"Rep. Norwood did not hesitate to stand up for his conservative principles, even if it meant criticizing his party. Last year, the plainspoken legislator called fellow Republicans who backed compromise immigration legislation "turncoats."

He also understood the costs to American taxpayers in money and services imposed by the illegal immigrant invasion:

"Warning that the nation faces a "true invasion" of illegal immigrants, he called for putting nearly 40,000 troops on the U.S.-Mexico border. He co-wrote a provision to the recent Deficit Reduction Act that bars illegal aliens from getting Medicaid."

He also understood that as a United States Congressman his concerns should be with representing the citizens of the United States and not just the business interests of his party:

"After years of listening to 'advocates' whine about compassion for those who intentionally break our laws for financial gain, I'm glad to see us finally showing some compassion for our own poor and sick who abide by the law,"

Charlie Norwood was not just a Conservative Republican he was a true American and his voice in Congress will be missed.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Some more good news on illegal immigration!

Here in Suffolk County 10% of the county prison population were illegal immigrants who have committed crimes beyond their first criminal act which was to enter the country illegally. To incarcerate the illegal immigrants was costing the local taxpayers a lot of money. So the Sheriff DeMarco has embarked on a program to have ICE come and pick up the illegal immigrant criminals up as soon as possible. At least these criminals are no longer costing local taxpayers money for their incarceration. Here are some of the money quotes:

"Since we instituted this program, we almost tripled the amount of illegal aliens we turn over to the feds," - Sheriff DeMarco

""These prisoners, who are not even here legally in the first place, are costing us a fortune in taxpayer dollars," said Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy, who approved funding for the Criminal Alien Program."

However the real solution would be for the Federal Government from George Bush to our local Congressman Tim Bishop to get off their butts and stop hiding behind the illegal immigrant amnesty bandwagon and really enforce our immigration laws and border security.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Why Cable News Sucks!

The amount of coverage devoted to the death Anna Nicole Smith!

How to read illegal immigration articles in the mainstream media!

Bias in covering the illegal immigration issue prevalent in the mainstream media. Here on Long Island Newsday is notorious in their biased coverage of the issue along with Cablevision's News 12 newschannel. Both of these corporate media outlets have a vested interest in the illegal immigrant population growing as they have interests in Spanish language media. The latest show of bias comes in today's Washington Post in an article written by Sylvia Moreno.

It starts with the headline: "Immigration Raid Leaves Texas Town a Skeleton" making it appear that enforcement of U.S. immigration laws is a bad thing.
It should have have read:
"Raids Show Extent of Illegal Immigration Problem in U.S."

There are other signs of how big the problem regarding the influx of illegal immigrants into communities like Cactus Texas that are buried in the article. Like this little tidbit shoved down into paragraph ten:

"Some local officials recently said that 75 percent of the city's estimated 5,000 residents before the raid were illegal immigrants. Aguilar disputes that, saying it was only 15 percent."

If I were a legal resident in Cactus I would be concerned that even 15% of the residents were criminals who violated U.S. law. But, it turns out the Mr. Aguilar who tries to downplay the lower amount of illegal residents in his community is also the Mayor. In fact he was also an illegal immigrant himself at one time. But, thanks to the 1986 amnesty was granted citizenship and now also has a vested interest in keeping the illegal immigrant population in the town high . As this quote in paragraph eight shows:

"These are my people," said Aguilar, 50, who today owns the largest house in Cactus, a nearby 575-acre ranch, a laundromat and the town's only full-fledged grocery store. About half of his 26 rental units are empty now."

You need to read all the way down to paragraph thirteen to see why the raids occurred in the first place:

"But authorities charge that these immigrants had false identity documents, enabling them to get driver's licenses and jobs illegally, victimizing U.S. citizens and fueling the fraudulent document industry. Traffic stops or crime reports became confusing events in Cactus in recent years. Immigrants would offer two names, said former Cactus Police Chief Tim Turley. The had "el verdadero," as they called it -- the true name -- and their work name."

Translation these illegals where not only in the country illegally they also used identity theft to get jobs in the country. These are felony criminals in addition to being illegal immigrants. While people Mayor Aguilar chooses to look the other way and not enforce U.S. law and mainstream media outlets continue to downplay the problem it is up to the law abiding citizens of this country to say enough is enough and make people respect our laws including immigration by enforcing them.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Death, lies and videotape.

"What madness is this, inviting sable Death by warfare?
It always hovers close and comes unforeseen on silent steps."

The war in Iraq is not a video game. Mistakes on the battlefield are deadly and as many war widows and families know the government and officials involved will lie to you and not just the top guys like Bush and Cheney. I came across these riveting videos on You Tube. If you want to know how sh^t happens in a place like Iraq these videos show how it occurs. These videos show death and remorse from the cockpit view:
Then of course far away from battlefield there is:
and now we are about add tens of thousands of additional troops into this Hell Hole that is Iraq today. No doubt Death is rubbing his hands in anticipation.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How cold is it?

When I travel back via Amtrak from Washington wearing my "Democrat for Secure Borders" button. I have a little bit of time before catching the Long Island Railroad train to Ronkonkoma. So I usually wander up to the street and at the corner of 8th Ave. and 31st. street is an outdoor food vendor selling chicken and gyro sandwiches that taste pretty good. The stand has been out there for years in all kinds of weather. Last night neither he nor the competing hot dog stand were nowhere to be found. So who needs a thermometer! I say it is cold enough to freeze the capitalist spirit. Now that's cold!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Time for the stupid bowl again.

It's that time of year again. Time for the stupid bowl. That is if there are not too many players arrested for situations, involving, guns, drugs or hookers before the big game. But, not me I am very happy to ignore the craziness that many Americans are going to participate in this Sunday. I don't follow sports and am constantly amused by those who do. But, this is America and the freedom to waste ones time watching sports on TV is a persons right. Far be it from me to interfere. I have plenty of other things to do than sit passively watching television screens.
Of course many people will also bet on the game. I do look look askance at co-workers who come around with football pools this time of year asking me if I "want to get in on it" as if it's like some secret rigged scheme. I tell them I work too hard for my money to blow it on some borderline criminal athletes. I'll bet on myself because I know what I can and can not do. But, betting on the games like football just seems to be throwing away good money away for no good reason. Of course the government loves sports like football and baseball etc... All the better for them to keep most of the people distracted from what is going on. So go ahead and watch the game if you want. As for me I'll be here watching the news from Washington where the game really affect our lives.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Immigration enforcement finally a succesful program!

An interesting article in today's Washington Post about a successful Homeland Security program. It seems it is so successful and efficient (that's not often the case with Federal Government programs) that the title of the article is "Border Policy's Success Strains Resources"
Of course the Illegal Immigration lawyer lobby and the ACLU aka Alien Civil Liberties Union is upset with the idea of the incarceration illegal immigrants especially when a program is successful. Here are some of the money quotes from the article:

"The $65 million tent city, built hastily last summer between a federal prison and a county jail, marks both the success and the limits of the government's new policy of holding captured non-Mexicans until they are sent home. Previously, most such detainees were released into the United States before hearings, and a majority simply disappeared" (emphasis by BCP)

Here's another money quote and the bottom line!

"The new policy has led to a dramatic decline in border crossings by non-Mexicans, according to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency."

The say you can't knock success but, the ACLU and the pro illegal lobby and of course the immigration attorneys are certainly trying much to the detriment of the middle class American taxpayers and law abiding citizens.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Molly Ivans L.I.P.

Molly Ivans died yesterday but, her humor and wit live on. Here are just a few of her quotes as compiled by Joan Johnson Lewis:

I still believe in Hope - mostly because there's no such place as Fingers Crossed, Arkansas.

During a recent panel on the numerous failures of American journalism, I proposed that almost all stories about government should begin: "Look out! They're about to smack you around again!"

I am not anti-gun. I'm pro-knife. Consider the merits of the knife. In the first place, you have to catch up with someone in order to stab him. A general substitution of knives for guns would promote physical fitness. We'd turn into a whole nation of great runners. Plus, knives don't ricochet. And people are seldom killed while cleaning their knives.

I know vegetarians don't like to hear this, but God made an awful lot of land that's good for nothing but grazing

Everyone knows the man has no clue, but no one there has the courage to say it. I mean, good gawd, the man is as he always has been: barely adequate. [on George W. Bush]

Last week, I began a sentence by saying, "If Bush had any imagination ..." and then I hit myself. Silly me.

I don't know where Molly is today Heaven or Hell but, you just know wherever she is she is looking around and making whoever is there including herself laugh. Laugh in Peace Molly.