Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wrong TIME!

In another example of faulty reporting by the mainstream media on the illegal immigration bill. TIME magazine joins the the New York Times in spreading false information on S1348. Even more egregious that this information is presented in the TIME cover story June 18th 2007 called "Immigration Why Amnesty Makes Sense". While I don't have the "time" to take apart the Nathan Thornburg article completely because I have to go to work to make money to pay taxes unlike many of the illegals. I will point out this quote: "Under the compromise, the 12 million would face a 13 year process including $5,000 in fines." This is just plan wrong! Even Senator Lindsey Graham the La Raza award winner and "Grand Bargainer" points out that illegal worker under this agreement "would pay a $1,000 fine" to obtain a "z" visa to be able to work in the U.S.(which can be renewed indefinitely). The illegal immigrant would ONLY have to pay the $4,000 in additional fines IF they want to get a "green card". But of course mainstream media keeps throwing out the $5,000 figure as fact and what all the illegals will pay under this bill. It does not matter if it's bad reporting, bad editing, or a deliberate attempt to mislead the readers. It is just plain wrong!

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