Saturday, May 26, 2007

Illegal Immigration fines:The New York Times gets it wrong!

The Senate Amnesty Bill is bad enough. But when the mainstream media outlets get the reporting on the Amnesty Bill wrong it shows how little the American people are really getting the truth about the bill. The latest piece of misinformation is from "the paper of record" The New York Times. In a report on it's poll concerning illegal immigration the New York Times had this false information:
"Two-thirds of those polled said illegal immigrants who had a good employment history and no criminal record should gain legal status as the bill proposes, which is by paying at least $5,000 in fines and fees and receiving a renewable four-year visa. "
That is just plain WRONG! The illegal immigrants under the Senate Amnesty Bill ONLY HAS TO PAY A FINE OF $1,000 to become legal to work indefinitely in the United States under the Senate amnesty bill. They ONLY have to pay the additional $4,000 IF the want to become a U.S. citizen. The New York Times got it wrong and so did the gang of 12 Senators who cooked up this backroom amnesty deal. So the next time you see a media outlet or a politician trying to say that the illegals will pay a $5,000 fine to become legal call them on it!

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