Sunday, May 20, 2007

Memo to the President

"Immigration is a tough issue for a lot of Americans. The agreement reached today is one that will help enforce our borders, but equally importantly, it will treat people with respect. This is a bill where people who live here in our country will be treated without amnesty, but without animosity. "-George W, Bush

Mr. President:

Immigration is not a tough issue many of us Americans. But, concept of the enforcement of our our laws seems to be a tough issue for you and others in Washington. As far as treating illegal immigrants with respect. They will earn respect from Americans when they start respecting our immigration laws as many of those who come here legally do. And finally yes what you are proposing is amnesty and the animosity the U.S. citizens feel is for you and the Senators in Washington trying to ram this bill through the Senate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well-spoken. Amnesty is not Respect.