Wednesday, May 30, 2007

25 reasons why the Senate Amnesty Bill should not be passed!

25 Reasons to STOP THE AMNESTY BILL S.1348

1. Security doesn't come first in this bill. This bill would immediately legalize illegal aliens that are currently in the country. The only way Congress will actually see to it that the border security and enforcement provisions in the bill will be implemented is if they have to do them before they even consider an amnesty for the people who are here.

2. Illegal aliens won't have to pay back taxes - where do we get the same deal? The whole idea that illegal aliens shouldn't have to pay the taxes they already owe for working in the United States is utterly and completely offensive because it actually gives them a privilege that American citizens aren't getting: forgiveness for taxes owed to the IRS.

3. If passed, this bill will make taxpayers pay the legal bills for illegal aliens seeking amnesty. Tucked away on page 317 is a provision that would allow lawyers in the federally-funded legal services program to represent illegal aliens, which they are presently barred from doing.

4. This bill rewards illegal aliens for breaking our laws. There are tens of millions of people who respect our laws and our country, waiting patiently, in line, often in their home countries, to get a chance to come here. Under this bill, illegal aliens will immediately be eligible for a "Z Visa" which allows them to work, go to school, and - this is important - stay here for the rest of their lives if they so choose because there is no limit on the number of times it can be renewed.

5. The bill gives the government only one business day to conduct a background check to determine whether an applicant is a criminal or a terrorist. It is impossible, of course, to determine in a single day whether someone is a terrorist or a criminal. Remember this is the same government who cannot locate approximately 600,000 illegal aliens who have already been CONVICTED OF CRIMES. How can they be expected to
adequately check criminal/terrorist backgrounds in a single day?

6. In the bill Section 601(g)(2), illegal-alien gang members would be eligible for amnesty merely by signing a "renunciation of gang affiliation." Do you think a gang member who would kill you on a dare would lie on a piece of paper to get his get out of jail free card?

7. Gang-bangers and other criminals, who have been ordered to leave the United States by an immigration judge but defy the ruling, are called absconders. Section 601(d)(1)(I) permits U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to grant an absconder a Z visa anyway if he can show that being forced to leave the United States "would result in extreme hardship" to the alien, his spouse, parent or child.

8. The bill effectively shuts down our immigration-court system. If an alien in the removal process is eligible for the Z visa, the immigration judge must close the proceedings and offer the alien the chance to apply for the amnesty.

9. If ICE officials apprehend an alien who appears eligible for the Z visa (in other words, just about any illegal alien), they can't detain him. Instead, ICE must help him apply for the Z visa. Rather than initiating removal proceedings, ICE will be initiating amnesty applications. It's like turning the Drug Enforcement Agency into a needle-distribution network.

10. To qualify for the Z-visa amnesty, an illegal alien need only have a job (or be the parent, spouse, or child of someone with a job) and come up with a scrap of paper suggesting he was in the country before Jan. 1 of this year. Any bank statement, pay stub, or similarly forgeable record will do. Expect a mass influx unlike anything this country has seen before, once the 12-month period for accepting Z visa applications begins. These rules are an open invitation to sneak in and present a fraudulent piece of paper indicating that you were already here.

11. As promised, the bill will legalize most of the 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens now in the country via a new "Z visa." Each would pay $3,000 - only slightly more than the going rate to be smuggled into America. This is not up front. They will have eight years to pay it back.

12. Supporters of the bill call the Z visa "temporary" - neglecting to mention that it can be renewed indefinitely until the visa holder dies. Thus, we have the country's first permanent temporary visa. On top of that, it's a super-visa - allowing the holder to work, attend college or do just about anything else.
Are you a law-abiding alien who's interested in switching to this privileged status? Sorry. Only illegal aliens can qualify.

13. The bill increases legal migration by at least 50 percent over the next decade by granting green cards to all the remote relatives who are in the chain migration categories, a number estimated at 750,000 to 900,000 a year. That is triple the current number of 250,000. Giving green cards to millions of additional relatives ensures that legal immigration will continue to grow as this larger pool of permanent residents brings in spouses. Would you like to guess what the cost to the American taxpayer will be for this? Ask your Senator/Congressman what they believe the American taxpayer should have to pay and how much the cost will be. It is a 100% guarantee they will not give you either figure.

14. The bill claims that bench marks must be met before amnesty/guest-worker provisions go into effect. But the bench marks fail to require that the U.S.-Mexico border be closed, fail to require that the border fence be completed as mandated by Congress in October and fail to require that the Department of Homeland Security implement the entry-exit visa system so Americans can know if visitors and guest workers actually leave.The border security part of the bill calls for a 370-mile-long fence on the U.S./Mexico border. That is only half as long as the 700-mile-long
fence ordered by the Secure Fence Act passed overwhelmingly by Congress and stentatiously signed by the president in front of TV cameras just before the November 2006 election.

15. Another bench mark is that "tools" will be provided to prevent illegal immigrants from getting jobs, including requirements for identification standards and an employee verification system. But the bill lacks a requirement that anybody actually use the tools.

16. The costs of the Senate immigration bill are mind-boggling. Unbelievably, the Senate has made no attempt to estimate this costs or how to how to pay them. The Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector puts a potential price tag on this bill of $2.5 trillion, which is five times the cost of the Iraq war.

17. At least 60 percent of illegal immigrants lack a high school diploma, which means they will work low-wage jobs, pay little or no income tax, and be heavy users of our schools and means-tested social benefits such as Medicaid, school lunches, Women, Infants and Children Program, subsidized housing, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and free legal counsel.

18. Fiscal costs would go up dramatically after amnesty recipients reach retirement. Each elderly low-skill immigrant imposes a net cost - that is benefits minus taxes - on U.S. taxpayers of about $17,000 per year, according to the Heritage Foundation. These costs would hit Social Security and Medicare at the very time Social Security is expected to go into crisis.

19. Section 413 calls on Congress to "accelerate the implementation" of the Security and Prosperity Partnership - announced by Bush in Waco, Texas, in 2005 - so that the United States can "improve the standard of living in Mexico." Do U.S. taxpayers want to take on the awesome economic burden of solving poverty problems in Mexico?

20. The Senate immigration bill states that the United States want to increase access to credit for "poor and under-served populations in Mexico," and expand efforts "to reduce the transaction costs of remittance flows" from the U.S. to Mexico now running at $23 billion a year. That is money made in the US but transferred out of our economy.

21. The Senate bill also puts the United States into a "partnership" with Mexico for "increasing health care access for poor and under-served populations in Mexico," for "assisting Mexico in increasing its emergency and trauma health care facilities," and for "expanding prenatal care" in the border region. Do U.S. taxpayers want to take on the awesome economic burden of solving problems in Mexico?

22. The Senate bill authorizes 4,000 new Border Patrol agents, but doesn't require that they be trained or deployed. There is nothing in this bill which says these agents must be used to secure the border and not to help pass out applications for Z Visas anywhere in the US.

23. Illegal Aliens will receive instate tuition. Illegal aliens would receive a taxpayer subsidy worth tens of thousands of dollars and would be treated better than U.S. citizens from out of state, who must pay three to four times as much to attend college. In an era of limited educational resources and rising tuitions, U.S. citizens, not aliens openly violating federal law, should be first in line to receive education subsidies.

24. Health standards ignored - Unlike legal immigrants, no medical exam or immunizations are needed to get a Z visa. Are you ready for the reintroduction of widespread Tuberculosis into the United States? Will your children be protected against catching this at school?

25. The amnestee doesn't have to know squat in English to get probationary status or a Z visa. After four years when seeking to renew the Z visa the first time, he only has to take - not pass, just take - the naturalization language test or be on a waiting list for English classes. "Learn English" only happens after eight years, and then it's not actual mastery of the language. SWEET!

26 (bonus reason). The advocates of this amnesty bill say "It's not amnesty because they have to pay a fine." The truth is there is no mechanism to collect these "fines" and do ANY kind of enforcement if the fines are not paid. The federal government has not even finished processing the amnesty applications from the 1986 amnesty (21 years later) for what was supposed to be just over 1 million people and no fines. There is no way they will be chasing down 12 million who fail to pay a $1000 payment on a $5000 fine when they cannot locate 600,000 criminals convicted of serious crimes. In reality there will be no enforcement.

IT IS AMNESTY and any one who says it is not, is telling you a lie and they know it! Have you called a Senator yet today?


Kerthialfad said...

Thanks so much for doing the analysis. This bill S1348 sure smells to me.
Here are a few points that I want to add:

#2. There is no relationship between taxes and citizenship. People are obliged to pay taxes regardless of citizenship. Paying taxes does not confer any claims on citizenship.

#4. Yes, Z-visa is green card equivalent.

#20. Remittance should be more highly taxes.

Anonymous said...


All good points. As for the analyis I wish I had the time to put together such a consise breakdown of tje Senate Amnesty Bill. The work on this was done by the folks at FAIR and I recieved an email from the folks at Informed Voters to help spread this information around. The mainstream corporate media certainly is not so feel free to pass it on too. Don't forget to call your Senators also!

Anonymous said...

Concerning #19:

Individuals and groups should be able to help out folks in Mexico.

However, the best way to help out people in Mexico (one that improves things here) is to drop trade barriers. And import/export paperwork.

BTW, Ron Paul has told congress what he thinks about this bill.