Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Immigration insanity of Washington D.C.

It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. To see definition we need look no further than a Washington Post article today that outlines the Immigration reform bill coming out from behind the closed doors meetings in Washington. Where to begin how bad this bill is?
"Senate negotiators reached a tentative agreement yesterday on a broad overhaul of the nation's immigration laws that would offer virtually all of the nation's 12 million undocumented workers <[BCP Mainstream media bias alert! should read "illegal immigrant"] a route to legal status while shifting migration preferences away from the extended families of citizens toward more skilled and educated workers."
TRANSLATION: You don't have to respect our laws in the U.S. since you have broken our laws for so many years we will let you stay. Just like we did in 1986. Tell others in your country to do the same because they too will be allowed to stay as long as they hide long enough in the future!

"Under the tentative deal, undocumented workers who crossed into the country before Jan. 1 would be offered a temporary-residency permit while they await a new "Z Visa" that would allow them to live and work lawfully here. The head of an illegal-immigrant household would have eight years to return to his or her home country to apply for permanent legal residence for members of the household, but each Z Visa itself would be renewable indefinitely, as long as the holder passes a criminal background check, remains fully employed and pays a $5,000 fine, plus a paperwork-processing fee."
TRANSLATION: The illegal head of the household would be able to continue to live and work here in the U.S. and his family can keep using social services, sending his children to the local schools after violating U.S. laws before January 1st 2007. Oh yes I almost forgot there is a punitive component. Some time in eight years he has to go back home and visit is family from the country he left and then reenter the United States. Oh and he also has to pay a $5,000 fine and a paperwork fee. Uh huh, meanwhile it will be costing local taxpayers $10,000 per year to educate each of his children. But, of course the Washington pols like Ted Kennedy, John McCain and others who cooked up this deal for the illegals are not concerned about these costs to the local middle class taxpayers.

"To satisfy Republicans, those provisions would come in force only after the federal government implements tough new border controls and a crackdown on employers that hire illegal immigrants. Republicans are demanding 18,000 new Border Patrol agents, 370 miles of additional border fencing and an effective, electronic employee-verification system for the workplace."
Wait a minute wasn't a border fence approved last year? Isn't it illegal for employers to hire illegals today under existing laws? What skillful negotiators those Republicans are. They actually think they got something when they really got nothing! What idiots they are!

"This is not the architecture of an immigration bill that I would have initially liked to see," conceded Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (Mass.), the Democrats' chief negotiator, "but we're not dealing with that. This is a legislative process." -

Limo liberals like Ted Kennedy is going to have a good laugh on his porch in Hyannis Port this summer as he watches the former illegal immigrant cut his lawn knowing that the middle class taxpayer will be subsidizing the cost of the guy for years to come.

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