Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Op-ed idiocy on immigration.

I've come to expect alot of op-ed idiocy from the liberal mainstream media trying to put lipstick on this pig of an immigration bill. Today's Washington Post had two one was an editorial and the other from Tamar Jacoby of the Manhattan Institue. Since I have a lot to do today I'll just stick it to Ms. Jacoby. Here is an example of how she views the Senate Immigration Amnesty Bill from the cozy confines of her think tank office:
"As usual, those yelling "amnesty" are the loudest voices. But they are increasingly out of sync with the public on immigration. Poll after poll in the past year shows 60 to 85 percent of voters in favor of an overhaul that would allow illegal immigrants to earn their way to citizenship by meeting certain requirements "
Poll after poll Ms Jacoby? Well maybe I'll just let Roy Beck from Numbers USA answer this one. As my friends father use to say "let's take a look at those numbers" and Roy Beck does.

"As for the right's new argument that requiring illegal immigrants to register and undergo security checks is amnesty, that's preposterous. Even registering -- as distinct from citizenship -- will cost $1,000. "
Wow a thousand dollars to stay in the country after they were willing spend $3,000 to $5,000 to come across our borders and violate U.S. law. That's a real punishment! And the best part is they get to stay and continue working! Yeah that's a real get tough policy on illegal immigration and will really encourage respect for our laws.

"And surely it would be good for the country to know these workers' real names, vet their backgrounds and get them paying their full freight in taxes."
Oh, glad you mentioned taxes Ms. Jacoby. Where is the talk from all the advocates of this bill about the illegal immigrants paying their $1,000 fine and BACK TAXES? Answer: There is none. Well then where can U.S. workers work for five, ten, fifteen etc... years without paying taxes and then only pay a $1,000 fine? Answer: HOLA SUCKERS!

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