Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dumbocrats on parade!

As a registered Democrat it just disgusts me to see Democratic Senator Harry "sellout" Reid attempt to push the McCain/Kennedy/Bush amnesty bill through the Senate. The Democrats just don't get it the PEOPLE of this country do not want a repeat of the failed immigration policy of 1986 but, the Democrats are just pandering to get the Hispanic vote not doing what is right for the country and representing the wishes of the electorate. Here is exhibit A from the Washington Post:
"Democratic negotiators agreed. Democratic leaders, who are fighting for the loyalty of the fast-growing Latino electorate, have no desire to embrace legislation that could end up alienating the voters they are trying to woo."

Someone needs to tell these Dumbocrats that they had better start to do what is good for the country and not pander to special interest groups or they may be in for a surprise at the voting booths as the Republicans were during the last election. Maybe this Dear Colleague from Senator Jeff Sessions will show them how flawed the bill they want to debate is and the costs to the American taxpayers.


Anonymous said...

I like your site and your ideas. There's a Irish immigration blog I often surf (, but they wouldn't publish all my comments because I disagree with them often. I know you'll publish my comments because we're singing with the choir.

Capt. Mike said...

Gnarly dude:
Thanks for dropping by. I usually let all comments stand as long as they are civil and have something to say even if I disagree. I'll let them know that I do.