Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bush law.

Now that George Bush's former drinking buddy and legal water boy Alberto R(aza) Gonzales is being deported out of the Justice Department. It appears that the arrogance of George Bush seems to show he still does not get it as evidenced by these quotes from today's Washington Post:

"Democratic Senate leaders have called on the White House to consult them closely during the selection process, but administration officials warned yesterday that the president intends to nominate an attorney general who agrees with his policies. "It is the president's prerogative to appoint someone who shares his views," a senior administration official said"

Shares his views? Like having an open border? Like not prosecuting people who have entered the country illegally until they have been caught six times. If that's the case he basically wants someone who does not uphold the law.

"They're less concerned about confirmability and more concerned about the candidate's ability to steer affairs in away that is consistent with good problem-solving down the road," said a lawyer familiar with the selection process. "That means some combination of being a straight arrow and having a forceful presence, along with the diplomatic skills necessary to deal with the Hill."

TRANSLATION: They want someone who will protect George Bush's ass no matter what arrogant and harmful policy he dreams up. It's less important that the Attorney General enforce U.S. law it's more important to defend and protect the Bush family especially George Bush.

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