Monday, December 24, 2007

Teachers with political agendas

Erica Vieyra is a high school teacher with her own political agenda and her agenda is to show students how to break U.S. laws and encourage sympathy for those who do. Here is her lesson plan::
"Erica Vieyra told her 40 senior Spanish students at Olentangy Liberty High School. Fill out the correct documents, follow the proper steps. And then, after they spent days completing the actual paperwork from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, she took out her red ink pad and stamped a big, fat DENIED across every request.
Now, she told the students, come illegally. Forge your documents, find a way across the border. Then, research real ads and find a place to live in Columbus. Figure out what it would cost, how to get food. Plan how to survive.
The students had to go to real businesses and ask for Spanish-language job applications. They had to visit a bank and ask for new-account documents written in Spanish.
Vieyra promised them that the process -- even in make-believe -- would frustrate them."

What teachers like Vieyra FAIL to understand that coming into this country illegally is meant to frustrate people who want to break our laws. It is not suppose to be easy. BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL! If she wants to see real frustration have about five of her students role play Spanish speaking border patrol agents or ICE agents and have the rest of the class role play being illegal immigrants. Then let the student "border patrol" agents try and apprehend the "illegal immigrant" students wandering around the school. That would be a lesson in frustration. The Ohio school district where she is employed should fire this teacher immediately and tell her to take political agenda with her.

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