Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 A BCP year in review


Also in January the Scooter Libby trial was underway.

There were some rumblings about the firing of a few U.S. Attorney's.

The Drug and Pharmaceutical companies were all of a sudden hiring Democratic lobbyists. I wonder why that is?

Toys R US gave America a wake up call with a contest to give $25,000 to the first baby born after the first midnight. Unfortunately, the baby was born to a mother who was in the U.S. illegally. So they gave it to the runner up baby who was born to legal U.S. mother. In the end Toys R US gave out three $25,000 awards. The third baby being born to a couple from El Salvador where they here illegally? Don't ask because the liberal mainstream media does not either.

Also in January the BIG news was that I opened up the Beer Can Politics Store. So far I am my best customer. Good thing I don't live from the proceeds.

The first murmers of an attempt to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants begin in the Senate.

Republican South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham gets an award from La Raza and in a few months would help lead an unsuccessful attempt to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

Congressman Charlie Norwood dies. Led battles for the patients Bill of Rights and fought against illegal immigration:
"After years of listening to 'advocates' whine about compassion for those who intentionally break our laws for financial gain, I'm glad to see us finally showing some compassion for our own poor and sick who abide by the law,"

Also in February Molly Ivans passed away leaving taking though she she still left a few laughs behind:"During a recent panel on the numerous failures of American journalism, I proposed that almost all stories about government should begin: "Look out! They're about to smack you around again!"

Speaking of the failures of American Journalism cable news showed it's how use less it can be by going 24/7 on the coverage of Anna Nicole Smiths death.

I first mention Ron Paul as a candidate for President.


Fred Thompson first pops up on my radar.

Speaking of popping I pop Mike Bloomberg's trial balloon. But, never underestimate the power of a billionaire to do what he wants.

New Haven Connecticut becomes a sanctuary city. Hola suckers!

The gang of four start to work behind closed doors on the illegal immigrant amnesty bill.


I attend the HOLD THERE FEET TO THE FIRE event in Washington D.C.

The racial lynch mob goes after DON IMUS including in the mob with their manufactured outrage are some media hypocrites like Keith Obermann and Al Roker. Meanwhile after firing IMUS NBC NEWS make the Virginia Tech campus shooter a star and gets shot down in the process.

The man without a country Kurt Vonnegaut dies.

The White House quote of the year is made: "We screwed up, we are trying to fix it."

May was the month of illegal immigration mostly because it was the month where forces both inside and outside of Washington tried to ram through the illegal immigrant amnesty bill but, the American people fought back. Twenty Five reasons why the Senate illegal immigration amnesty bill should be defeated. Did somebody say assimilation? Senator Grassley gets it!
La RAZA Award Winner Lindsey Graham does not. Meanwhile the illegal immigration insanity keeps going on on Capitol Hill. Hispanic Journalists try their hand at an Orwellian spin. And a few politicians try to spin the issue too.


Some good news on illegal immigration. A bomb plot at JFK foiled. WHERE'S THE ???? The American people win one for democracy. Democrat Byron Dorgan asks the right question from the Senate floor. While Ted Kennedy is always good for a few laughs on illegal immigration. Who is burning down our house? Fugitives hiding in plain sight.


Libby pardoned! Ramos & Compean are not. Al Gore's son arrested. Bush administration creating problems where there were none on immigration. Taxes My 1986 car died. Senator Arlen Spector tries to beat a dead horse


Dick Cheney develops amnesia. Credit markets start shaking. Iraq money poof! Karl Rove has left the building. Domestic spying from above approved. Elvira Arellano is hiding in plain sight. Finally Arellano brought to justice! Three college students killed by illegal immigrants in New Jersey. Leona Helmsley dies. Alberto Gonzales going, going gone


The political bathroom scandals. I still like Fred. More sub prime shaking. We ride the magic bus with the illegals. The Kennedy's try to control the wind. Blackwater is in hot water. Eliott Spitzer's great idea! Driver's licenses for illegals. Spitzer's other great idea taxpayers pay for medical care for illegals.


Al Gore wins Nobel prize for what? Al Gore talks the talk. BCP walks the walk on Blog Action Day. Verizon spies on customers. Hillary drinks Spitzer's Kool Aid. Solar Decathlon, Bush again a no show. DREAM ACT defeated without me. Damn! New York Times still being dishonest. Is California burning? Again? Spitzer still stuck on stupid.


Writers strike begins. Hello You Tube. Record oil prices thanks day traders! Subprime meets Citibank. An election day warning. Norman Mailer dies. Bank of America profits down. I wonder why? Hillary's Jeff Gannon moment. Coming soon to a school district near you. Spitzer unclogs his ears and drops illegal drivers license plan. No surprise here. The big disconnect on illegal immigration explained. McCain plays the sympathy card at You Tube debate.

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