Thursday, November 29, 2007

McCain plays the sympathy card at the You Tube debate.

Unlike the open borders and ethnocentric illegal immigrant La Raza crowd who try and label any U.S. citizen who wants our borders protected racist. McCain played the sympathy card for illegals at last nights You Tube debate:
"We must recognize these are God's children as well," McCain said. "They need our love and compassion, and I want to ensure that I will enforce the borders first."

Please Senator McCain just stop this nonsense. God's children? How about God's taxpayers? Yes that's right the unwashed middle class taxpayers who are forced to subsidize the illegals that you want sympathy for because of you and your colleagues failures to secure our borders. Now you say you want to secure our borders first. Sorry you had your chance and failed. To paraphrase the Soup Nazi on Jerry Seinfeld "NO VOTE FOR YOU!"

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