Sunday, November 25, 2007

John McCain crys in the Sonara desert alone.

Those who are pro illegal immigrant apologists including the Washington Post and Republican Presidential candidate John McCain have only one argument to the American people in defense of illegal immigrants. That is the sympathy argument. The Washington Post tried to use it again yesterday. Here are the money quotes:

"It was the issue of immigration that hurt my campaign," he said. "I have not encountered a domestic issue that has provoked the emotional response that this issue does with a lot of Americans." -John McCain

Ya think Senator? Perhaps maybe people get emotional when they pay hard earned tax dollars to the Federal Government to "protect and defend" the country and it's borders. But, on the way to work in the morning to earn money to pay those taxes they see a hundred or so illegals standing on street corners in their community which is 1500 miles from the border.

"People are continuing dying in the Sonoran desert, and it's just a very sad thing to see,"

And who exactly is to blame for that Senator McCain? The U.S. citizens who want our borders secure so that illegals can not start the trek across the desert some to die others to end up in our communities. Or people like you in Washington and those businesses that are hiring illegals that look the other way and ignore the laws that our Federal Government is supposed to enforce. Save your tears Senator McCain for when you look in the mirror to see who is really causing those deaths in the desert.

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