Friday, November 02, 2007

The greening of New York City

My girlfriend and I attended the annual Conservation International dinner here in Washington D.C. last night. We donate to this organization because of it's efforts to protect and promote sustainability of the earths resources around the world. Last nights speaker was Republican New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Who through New York's PLAN NYC is probably going to do more to help the planet than Al Gore and his Power Point presentation. As an example there is requirement of all the owners of NYC taxis (which need to be replaced every seven years) to become more fuel efficient either through buying hybrid vehicles or other high mileage vehicles. This move alone is the equivalent of removing 32,000 vehicles off the streets. Bloomberg is leading the way in this and other energy saving goals for the city. He may be making more of an impact on helping the earth than all of Al Gore's talk. He and his administration deserve much credit for moving things forward. in regards to energy conservation. Now about that Sanctuary City policy Mayor Bloomberg.

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