Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Clinton, Spitzer and voter fraud.

Speaking of threats to democracy, Forget Pakistan there is a more immediate threat to our own democracy. Hillary Clinton says she knows why Eliot Spitzer wants to give illegal immigrants a license. I'll bet she does:

"The background here is the National Voter Registration Act, commonly known as 'Motor Voter,' that President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1993. It required all states to offer voter registration to anyone getting a driver's license. One simply fills out a form and checks a box stating he is a citizen; he is then registered and in most states does not have to show any ID to vote.

"But no one checks if the person registering to vote is indeed a citizen. ...

"Under pressure from liberal groups, some states have even abandoned the requirement that people check a citizenship box to be put on the voter rolls. Iowa has told local registrars they should register people even if they leave the citizenship box blank. Maryland officials wave illegal immigrants through the registration process, prompting a Justice Department letter warning they may be helping people violate federal law."-
Washington Times

Is diabolical too strong of a word for this threat to our democracy by people like New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and others like Hillary Clinton. I think not.

P.S. Remember today is election day VOTE!

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