Sunday, October 14, 2007

Al Gore can kiss my....

I'm still scratching my head after hearing the announcement that Al Gore has won a Nobel Peace Prize for his Power Point presentation about global warming. I'm all for the environment and for what each of us can to protect and preserve it. But, does Gore deserve a Noble Peace Prize? I think not. What's that smell? Hmmm smells like hypocrisy.
While the left goes crazy over the new environmental rock star status of Gore following the Oscars and now the Nobel Peace Prize. The right as expected is on the attack. I have to agree with them on this one. They are quite rightly (no pun intended) exposing the hypocrisy of political elites like Gore. Though he is looked upon as a champion of the environment his house and lifestyle raises a lot of questions. His 10,000 square foot naturally gas heated home uses 20 times the natural gas and 12 times the electrcity of the average American home. While his press people try and spin that the home is also used for Al and Tipper Gore's office. Uh huh.
As the Gore's paid spinster pushed it:

Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said: “Sometimes when people don’t like the message, in this case that global warming is real, it’s convenient to attack the messenger.”

No Krieder it's not that people don't like the message. It's that people don't like the hypocrisy!

The left is trying to circle the wagons on this false face of Gore including left leaning media henchmen like Keith Olbermann by saying Gores 20 room house is justified and "green" because the Gores pay an extra $423 dollars extra for energy provided from "green" sources. Oh please what B.S. They conveniently ignore that since the Gore's are operating a business from their home this of course becomes tax deductible. Unlike many of us middle class homeowners and others struggling to pay our bills who pay full freight for our energy use.
An even more disturbing revelation for me. Is that when you compare the homes of George W. Bush and Al Gore. Bush's home looks a lot greener than Gore's.
While the left continues to ignore the hypocrisy of Al Gore and his energy use. They lambasted the right for exposing it. But, I think the right have done the public a service. No Al Gore is not a victim. I think the Nobel Prize should have been awarded to someone who REALLY walks the walk not just gives the talk on energy conservation. Yes the real victim and the guy who should have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize is ED BEGLEY Jr. A real hero of the earth. As for Al Gore he can kiss my carbon footprint!

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