Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Spitzer is suing us not the U.S.

In a posting at The Huffington Post and Daily Kos our megalomaniac Governor Eliott Spitzer here in New York State is at it again. He is suing the Bush Administration because he wants to expand health insurance coverage to all children New York State. But, by suing the Federal Government Spitzer forgets he is suing us taxpayers too! Last time I checked the Federal Government and New York State were both taxing me. Here are some of the money quotes from Idiot Spitzer:

"In New York, we want to expand coverage to every uninsured child in our state."

Does that include the children of the illegals too Eliott? Probably because as he has already pledged to pay for the medical expenses of illegal immigrants. Who have no problem sending tens of billions of dollars back to their home countries. But, Spitzer wants us New York taxpayers to cover their medical expenses. File that in the Hola suckers file.

"We all know the statistics. There are 400,000 uninsured children in New York. There are 8 million uninsured children in the United States.
These staggering figures are intolerable. On both a moral and practical level, we cannot allow this to stand. The president, however, continues to say the status quo is acceptable."

What bullshit! Children have more and better access to health care than many of us working taxpayers who are footing the bill. When I was growing up every school I was in had a medical office. Every once in a while we would be marched in there for some type of examination. So when Spitzer and others keep demanding that taxpayers spend more money for children's medical care they ignore the system already in place in our school systems.

It is imperative that we all come together to reverse the Bush administration's attempt to override the will of Congress, the will of the states, and the needs of our children.

If Spitzer and others who all to eager to spend our tax dollars on some unnecessary medical boondoggle really want to help save children they would keep them out of cars:

"The most common cause of death in children is accidents. Among accidents causing deaths the most frequent are traffic related.
The importance of protecting children from traffic related hazards is huge, provided that more children loose their life or have permanent disabilities because of them, than from any other cause."- Progressive Insurance

When it comes to medical coverage it is the working taxpayers who need the access to medical coverage not the children. Spitzer needs to rethink who he is hurting when he brings out these frivolous lawsuits. He needs to be more concerned with us State taxpayers and not illegal immigrants or children who already have access to medical services already.

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