Monday, October 22, 2007

Speaking of energy

The natural gas meter for my house is located inside my house. Because my life keeps me on the go quite a bit it seems I have never been home when the meter reader comes by. So it has been a long time since the meter was read. So I went to Gas utilities website a few days later to see what the bill would be. Since I have modified my 1980's installed solar hot water system to provide heat for the house I figured that the gas company's estimated billing should give me some savings. They still had an estimated bill number for the account balance. Strange I thought the meter readers updated numbers should have been entered by now. So I tried to enter the actual gas meter numbers my self. The Gas Company's computer kicked it back saying: "According to our projections regarding usage you should have a reading of 1120-1175 ( my actual reading was 848). It refused to believe the numbers so i had to call a talk to a person and explain I have modified my solar hot water panels to provide heat into the house and have also made other solar and energy efficient changes to my fifty year old house to help heat it. She finally entered the new numbers into the computer and I receive a new updated bill with a $650 credit. Kaching! Houston you do have a problem because I have only begun to make energy efficient modifications to the rancho de BCP. My personal energy plan is about more money in my pocket and less heading to Houston and Saudi Arabia. Stay tuned!

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