Saturday, September 01, 2007

Gay bathroom scandals from both parties.

According to the Washington Post Senator Larry Craig will resign today. While many are piling on about the hypocrisy of this Republican Craig caught soliciting a Police Officer in an airport bathroom. I am reminded of the Democrats own scandal regarding former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreavy . Who resigned after it was found out he put his gay lover on the government payroll (which I think is more despicable because it cost taxpayers money). I sometimes travel by car from Long Island to Washington D.C. and use the rest areas on the New Jersey Turnpike from time to time. During Mcgreavy's tenure they remodeled the bathrooms at the Turnpike rest areas. At some of the newly remodeled bathrooms there were no dividers between the urinals. It seemed to me the urinals were designed so that private parts were pretty much exposed. I remember thinking this was strange for a public bathroom and that gays and pedophiles would have a field day in these rest rooms. These two scandals and their connection with public restrooms bathrooms strikes me as very ironic.

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