Sunday, September 30, 2007

Stop! Hey what's that sound?

I've been on a sailboat for the past several days away from the tactile feel on a keyboard but, not completely out of touch. Listening to a WCBS Newsradio and a local NPR station on occasion. It was heartening to hear that even through the pro illegal immigrant filter that many of these mainstream media outlets seem to have that there is uprising of outrage over Governor Spitzer executive order to allow illegals in New York State to get a drivers license. Some county clerks even stating they will refuse to issue a license to anyone who is not legally allowed to be here. I think Spitzer actions has woken up even more people to the outrage of what is going on regarding illegal immigration. It is only the dictatorial elites like Spitzer who are just not listening to the common sense of this outraged citizenry. Even New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg is coming out against the policy. It sure looks like Spitzer is going to have to be smacked with the Grassly stick. The one that reads "IF YOU REWARD ILLEGALITY YOU WILL GET MORE OF IT!" I suggest he be smacked on the butt real hard with it by the outraged NY citizens because his head may be too thick to get the message.

1 comment:

Morgan said...


How can I get a hold of you?

Morgan O'Brien