Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm with Fred

Fred Thompson entered the presidential race last night and not a moment to soon. Of all the candidates Thompson has always struck a cord with me as possibly someone who can lead the country with fairness, common sense and hopefully a minimum of pandering. I have been waiting for Thompson to enter the campaign after giving up on the Democrats for their amnesty position on illegal immigration issue. To me voting for them would be like voting for George Bush. At least Thompson does appear to have a "law and order" (no pun intended) position on the issue. Which I think will separate him from the pack and make it easy for Democrats like me to vote for him.
Of all the candidates I think Thompson's rise to where he is closely mimics my life too. The following quote by Thompson is something that is so closely a biography of my life it's scary:

"In his announcement video, Thompson portrays himself as someone from ordinary roots who has enjoyed great success in life. "I have worked for minimum wages, for salaries more than I ever thought I would make, and for everything in between. I have had dinners on the factory floor, while working the graveyard shift,"

Maybe I sensed this connection with my middle class upbringing and values. Many month's ago as I gave a five bucks to his exploratory committee (something that I have never done before). I just hope I get my money's worth from his candidacy. Because right now I'm with Fred.

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