Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Whose country is this anyway?

George Bush went to Iraq to put on another dog and pony show about the improvements in that country. As usual the corporate media dutifully followed the stunt at at a U.S. airbase but, of course Bush did not go out and meet with the Iraqi people much like he has refused to listen to the American people on issues like illegal immigration. Here is the money quote:

"General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker tell me if the kind of success we are now seeing continues, it will be possible to maintain the same level of security with fewer American forces,"

Meanwhile Mexican President Felipe Calderon is upset because the United States is apparently attempting to enforce it's immigration laws which after years of non enforcement is upsetting people who have broken them. It seems he has a different rules as far as where his countries borders lie. Here is the money quote:

"I have said that Mexico does not stop at the border, that wherever there is a Mexican, there is Mexico."

To which I say come home President Bush and bring some troops with you. Because there appears to be an invasion happening here in the U.S. and you need to stop it NOW!

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