Monday, September 17, 2007

The DREAM Act is an amnesty nightmare.

After the defeat of the Ted Kennedy, Arlen Spector, John McCain, George Bush, Lindsey Graham, La Raza illegal immigration amnesty bill earlier this year. Washington still seems to be stuck on stupid with the proposed DREAM Act. This time it is Dumbocrat Dick Durbin leading the charge seconded by uber liberl Diane Feinstein who plan to attach it it to the Defense Authorization Bill. Kris W. Kobach has highlighted a few of the nastier features of this amnesty in disguise bill Durbin and other plan to introduce this week which of course the proponets of the bill were not telling the American taxpayer about::

"The DREAM Act (S. 774) is a nightmare. It is a mas?sive amnesty that extends to the millions of illegal aliens who entered the United States before the age of 16. The illegal alien who applies for this amnesty is immediately rewarded with "conditional" lawful per?manent resident (green card) status, which can be converted to a non-conditional green card in short order. The alien can then use his newly acquired status to seek green cards for the parents who brought him in illegally in the first place. In this way, it is also a back?door amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens who brought their children with them to the United States.

What is less well known about the DREAM Act is that it also allows illegal aliens to receive in-state tuition rates at public universities, discriminating against U.S. citizens from out of state and law-abiding foreign students. It repeals a 1996 federal law that pro?hibits any state from offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens unless the state also offers in-state tuition rates to all U.S. citizens.

There is no upper age limit. Any illegal alien can walk into a U.S. Customs and Immigration Ser?vices office and declare that he is eligible. For example, a 45 year old can claim that he illegally entered the United States 30 years ago at the age of 15. There is no requirement that the alien prove that he entered the United States at the claimed time by providing particular documents. The DREAM Act's Section 4(a) merely requires him to "demonstrate" that he is eligible—which in practice could mean simply making a sworn statement to that effect. Thus, it is an invitation for just about every illegal alien to fraudulently claim the amnesty.

The alien then has six years to adjust his status from a conditional green card holder to a non-conditional one. To do so, he need only complete two years of study at an institution of higher edu?cation. If the alien has already completed two years of study, he can convert to non-conditional status immediately (and use his green card as a platform to bring in family members). As an alternative to two years of study, he can enlist in the U.S. military and spend two years there. This provision allows Senator Durbin to claim that the DREAM Act is somehow germane to a defense authorization bill.

An illegal alien who applies for the DREAM Act amnesty gets to count his years under "condi?tional" green card status toward the five years needed for citizenship. (Section 5(e)) On top of that, the illegal alien could claim "retroactive benefits" and start the clock running the day that the DREAM Act is enacted. (Section 6) In combi?nation, these two provisions put illegal aliens on a high-speed track to U.S. citizenship—moving from illegal alien to U.S. citizen in as little as five years. Lawfully present aliens, meanwhile, must follow a slower path to citizenship.

It would be absurdly easy for just about any ille?gal alien—even one who does not qualify for the amnesty—to evade the law. According to Section 4(f) of the DREAM Act, once an alien files an application—any application, no matter how ridiculous—the federal government is prohib?ited from deporting him. Moreover, with few exceptions, federal officers are prohibited from either using information from the application to deport the alien or sharing that information with another federal agency, under threat of up to $10,000 fine. Thus, an alien's admission that he has violated federal immigration law cannot be used against him—even if he never had any chance of qualifying for the DREAM Act amnesty in the first place.:

What can you do? Call your Senators TODAY! Tell them to Vote NO on Amendment 2237 that would attach the Dream Act Amnesty.The Senate switchboard number is (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request. You should also call the Senators local office just to make sure the message gets through.

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