Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Rushing toward failure in Iraq and the U.S.

"Army Gen. David H. Petraeus told Congress yesterday that the deployment of 30,000 more troops to Iraq has made enough progress that the additional combat forces can be pulled out by next summer, but he cautioned against "rushing to failure" with a larger and speedier withdrawal."- Washington Post

While it's pretty clear that George Bush and his neocon cheerleaders have pretty much lost the Iraq war. General Petraeus is just trying to minimize the chaos that a rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops. The good news is that the surge did have some positive results, Much like flooding a crime ridden area should benefit from an influx of Police officers. If only the George Bush had listened to the military (not just Don Rumsfeld and Richard Perle) and put in more troops at the begining we would never have been in this quagmire today.

Meanwhile here in the U.S. the Dumbocrats were on parade at the Univision debate Sunday night. Once again the pandering was pathetic as they all spoke of "comprehensive immigration reform" aka AMNESTY for illegal immigrants who have broken our laws. It just has reinforced the fact that I will not be voting for a Democratic candidate for President next year even though I am a life long registered Democrat. The Dems are also rushing toward failure with all this talk of giving an amnesty to those who have not respected our laws. They like George Bush just don't get it and so will not be getting my vote.

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