Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Nuclear Power is good for something.

As is usual I picked up the POLITICO and Hill newspapers in Union Station for my trip back to Long Island from Washington. There were ads in the papers including companies like Areva promoting the "wonders" of nuclear power. I guess energy legislation is coming up in congress soon. After skimming those papers I opened up my mail and found that I was somewhat richer thanks to the nuclear power industry. Let me explain.
Back in the 1980's I was opposed to the Shoreham Nuclear Power plant here on Long Island. It really awakened my activism and involvement in politics. I did the usual things like attending rallies, wrote letters to the editors, visited my elected officials. but, I thought something was missing. That was taking my personal message to the LILCO (the utility building the nuke plant) directly. So I bought shares of stock in the company. I just did not buy one share just so I could speak at the shareholders meeting. I think people who do that get dismissed easily by the audience and the media. Lucky for me that the stock price was low and over a pretty short time I was able to buy several hundred shares. I spoke at the LILCO shareholders meeting the following year and armed with my research and statistics asked a question of the CEO about the plans for electric production when the Shoreham plant was shutdown for maintenance or an extensive outage. He could not answer it. I still remember the stunned silence from the audience of stockholders as the executive fumbled for an answer. Moving forward the Shoreham Nuclear plant never opened. LILCO became a public power utility it's gas operations were sold to KEYSPAN which was then sold recently to NATIONAL GRID. My low priced shares were finally sold to National Grid for forty two dollars a share (and had been paying dividends for several years before that to boot) When I deposit the check I feel the final cord will have been cut between me and my opposition to the Shoreham plant. But, I am still continuing to cut the cord between me and the utility companies. I keep moving forward in my own personal energy plan for Rancho de BCP aka my house. Thanks to advances in conservation and my solar additions to my house I am getting closer energy independence all the time. Meanwhile, the nuclear industry is pushing for a revival of nuclear plants. Part of me is laughing all the way to the bank. But, another part of me is ready to take them on again because unlike most other Americans and the mainstream media I HAVE READ THE MEMO!

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