Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Spector is rising on illegal immigration.

Just when I thought that the Senate might have gotten the message from the American on what to do about illegal immigration. Along comes Republican Senator Arlen Spector with "a new plan". According to The Hill Sen. Arlen Specter (Pa.), who accompanied President Bush (this is always a bad sign) Thursday ( on his visit to Pennsylvania, said he has spoken to Bush and the two Cabinet members who have led immigration talks about his new bill. Here are some of the money quotes:
But he would leave intact the family reunification standard that this spring’s defunct immigration bill partially replaced with a skills-based system

That's moving the country forward Senator Spector. Just what this country needs allowing more low wage uneducated workers to bring their families in to the country instead of giving priority to those with the skills needed to help America keep it's edge in the technological world.
The lone change in the status of the 12 million, Specter said, would be removing their status as fugitives from justice, an attempt to diminish their incentive to remain outside the system and in fear of deportation.

Why not just say it Senator. It's another AMNESTY!
Specter added that he already has met with “stakeholders” from outside groups involved in the complex immigration debate, and he plans to hold more sit-downs next week. Offering green cards to immigrants seeking employment in the high-tech industry is under consideration, he said.

Stakeholders Senator? How about the American people. Looks like its time to send Senator Byron Dorgon to have a little chat with Senator Spector to remind him who the real "stakeholders" are..

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