Monday, July 09, 2007

Live Earth, Wind and Wildfires

Well the private jets have taken all the rock stars back to one of their homes after Al Gore's Live Earth concerts around the world attempted to entertain and educate a few members of the earth's population about how nature is the real decider and not George Bush after all. Of course those of us who spend time sailing and outdoors already know that. I guess ultimately it is good to get some of our youth away from their video games, Ipods and stopping them from text messaging for a little bit and remind them about the natural world we live in.
Meanwhile, on Nantucket Island a bunch of wealthy homeowners are trying to rake the ocean bottom in a vane attempt to stop the natural erosion that is occurring on the bluffs that their homes sit on. They want permission to dredge up sand to temporarily stop the shoreline erosion so they can enjoy their views for a few more years. This is the same crowd that will complain and have their political connections in Washington throw up roadblocks when companies attempt to put offshore wind farms off the coast that would provide clean wind energy and help lessen our dependence of non renewable energy resources like oil and gas. But, of course their views literally come first.
Meanwhile, nature is sending another message to those people living out west in the woods and forest in the form of wildfires burning yet again. But, it does make pretty pictures for the mainstream news media to keep showing over and over on TV. Though they could save lots over money just re airing the video of the last fires. It is a reminder from nature that these people are living under it's rules. It is also a reminder to me that there is a reason why middle class communities like mine have a volunteer fire departments

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