Monday, July 16, 2007

A question of balance.

Few consequences of global warming pose as severe a threat to human society as sea-level rise. But scientists have yet to figure out how to predict it.-Washington Post

Between the head in the sand attitude of people like George Bush and the chicken little ranting of Al Gore is where I stand on global warming. Having read a two volume history of weather in new York City recently. I know that the weather has fluctuated over the centurys let alone millenniums. Hell, the Hudson River use to end about 100 miles south of the Verrazano Bridge in a water fall before the rise is sea level all but, hide that fact under a hundred feet of seawater. That was long before carbon credits. As a sailor I have come to understand and appreciate the weather in all it's forms good and bad. I laugh with amusement at foolish wealthy coastal home owners as they try and save their precious views of the sea from nature relentless changes. While scientist try and find how sea level rises will affect human society including wealthy beachfront homeowners. I think the real question is Where's the beach?

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