Saturday, February 27, 2010


The Obama Administration tried to hide one of their blunders while taking out the trash on Friday. Desiree Rogers gal pal of White House advisor Valaire Jarrett and the Obama administrations Social Secretary who was too busy making a grand entrance at President Obama's  first state dinner to make sure no uninvited guests get into the White House is leaving. It only took three months for the Obama Administration to correct the failure. Amazing!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


While the Democrats try to tout Senate majority leader Harry Reid's "HIRE" bill as a major accomplishment. This bill does necessarily mean it will help hire more Americans. Indeed it seems to have left out provisions that would have made sure that those hired are legally allowed to work in this country.
The Reid bill has two primary tax provisions that are intended to spur employment. The first would exempt employers from payroll taxes for new employees hired before January 1, 2011. (§101) A qualifying employer is virtually any employer except government bodies, although an exception is created for colleges and universities. To be a qualifying employee, the worker must:

(1) Begin employment with a qualified employer after February 3, 2010, but before year end;

(2) Sign an affidavit stating that he/she was not employed for more than 40 hours during the 60-day period prior to beginning employment with the qualified employer;

(3) Not displace another of the qualified employer’s workers; and

(4) Not be a relative, broadly defined, of the employer. (See §101)

Nowhere in Section 101, however, is there a requirement that the individual be legal. Nor does the language require that the employer use E-Verify to verify work authorization. The language appears to allow employers to receive tax breaks for hiring illegal workers or for importing foreign workers.

The second major tax provision of the bill provides employers with a $1,000 tax credit for each “retained worker” hired in 2010. (§102) To qualify as a “retained worker,” the individual must:

(1) Meet the definition of a qualified employee under §101 (see above);

(2) Be employed during the taxable year;

(3) Be employed by the employer for no less than 52 consecutive weeks; and

(4) Maintain wages at a certain threshold during the 52-week period.

Like Section 101, this tax credit does not require the employee to be legal or require that the employer use E-Verify to establish the employee’s work authorization. Looks like you can file the Democrats Reid's bill in the Hola Suckers file.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Mickey Kaus shows what happens when you put liberal Democrats in charge of moving the economy forward. Here is the money quote:

"a year was wasted on mindless, union-demanded bureaucratic attempts to disingenuously replicate the labor market. Did Obama not know this would happen when he allowed the stimulus to be Davis-Baconized, or did he not care? [Update--Choice #3: He knows and cares, but is too weak to stand up to the unions."

Meanwhile in Portsmouth New Hampshire another Stimulus program that was supposed to help actually hurts. So the town says: No Thanks! again the money quote:

"PORTSMOUTH — As stimulating as it might have sounded at the time, the city recently declined $2.5 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for its new water treatment plant because federal wage regulations would have forced the city to pay more for the project."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I was an opponent of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant back in the eighties.  I gathered research, had letters published in various publications, protested in front of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission building in Washington D.C. Even did an editorial reply on TV opposing the plant. Ironically, Just two days ago I burned a whole crate full of my research, newspaper clippings etc... in my fireplace. Got some nice BTU's to help heat the house out of them too. I did this because I have not looked at this stuff in years and decided I really did not need it anymore because the Shoreham nuclear plant was dead and gone and so was the crazy idea that nuclear power was really a good economical way to boil water in the corporate boardrooms of the power companies. Then President Obama came out with this idea:

"In a speech in Lanham, Md., Mr. Obama announced government approval of an $8.3 billion loan guarantee to help the Southern Company build two reactors in Burke County, Ga., near Augusta." -NY Times

Talk about corporate welfare! Hows that for "change" in Washington. The liberals should be livid about this subsidy. I am.  Of course it will mean a few jobs in building these plants but, we taxpayers will be on the hook for a lot of the money. So this is Obama's change idea? Excuse me while I spit. Because what he did not mention is this will be really helping the economy of Japan:

"these reactors were designed by Westinghouse, a subsidiary of Toshiba, and many major components will be fabricated abroad. And nuclear power is of limited use in offsetting oil imports."

But, the real reason I am so upset about this tax payer financed corporate welfare plan for new nuclear plants is that the Obama administration obviously has not read the MEMO:

"FBI headquarters has provided the following information to all field offices. During debriefings of an AL Qaeda senior operative, he stated there would (be) a second airline attack in the U.S. The attack was already planned and three individuals were on the ground in the U.S. The attack was already planned and three individuals were on the ground in the states recruiting non-Arabs to take part in the attack. The plan is to fly a commercial aircraft into a nuclear power plant to be chosen by the team on the ground. The plan including diverting the mission to any tall building if a military aircraft intercepts the plane."

Just like when Bin Laden and his pals turned U.S. airliners into cruise missles on 9/11 to be used against us. Al Queada has had plans in the works to use our nuclear plants as bombs in our backyards. If you think this idea is far fetched here is the money quote from KSM:

"I was responsible for surveillance needed to hit nuclear power plants that generate electricity in several U.S. states."- testimony of Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed  March 10, 2007

The question is has somebody picked up where KSM left off.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Mickey Kaus noticed that the New York Times seems to be repeating themselves especially when it comes to pushing their liberal agenda and taxpayer subsidized programs. Here is the money quote:

And they say Hollywood is hooked on sequels: "Once Stigmatized, Food Stamps Find New Acceptance." The New York Times' Jason DeParle and Robert
Gebeloff write ... wait, didn't the NYT run exactly this story a few months ago?. I think they did! On November 28, 2009. "Food Stamp Use Soars and
Stigma Fades." ... And people accuse Times editors of having an agenda. ...

But, it's not only food stamps the Times is pushing. A  year ago I mentioned it strange about how  the New York Times was concerned that the Welfare rolls were not increasing. The editors at the New York Times seem to still have their liberal blinders on.
Apparenty the agenda now at the New York Times is to bring back the culture of dependency regarding Federal Government programs like Welfare and Food Stamps big time. I'm sure the Obama Administration approves of this message too. But, do the taxpayers? I doubt it!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


The President’s $3.8 trillion budget will move deficit levels to an all-time high. So how will Obama bring this record deficit down? Maybe this video is the answer: