There was an op-ed in today's
Washington Post from a teacher who calls for more education for immigrants. Gee I wonder who will be paying for that? We have just had a school buget pass that will raise our school taxes by 9.4% while the U.S. rate of inflation is 3.55%. It's bad enough how much local taxpayers pay for schools now, let alone to have calls for us to pay for the education of everyone who crosses our borders.
Don't we always pay for everything for someone else? What has happened to our country? Everytime we turn around some other ethnic group does not like what we are doing or saying. Why do we continue to allow this to go on?
Thanks for your comment. I think our elected leaders need to be sent a strong message in November to both Democrats and Republicans especially those who voted for the Senate Amnesty Bill. If some get kicked out that will be a start to getting back a representative government.
question to Beer Can dude. Can you pass the citizenship test? Because the typical high school senior can't!!! And you call it amnesty... do us all a favor, mow your own lawn, mop your own floors and pick your own piss poor conditions THEN talk about "GIVING" amensty to them. oh and by the way, what about the norther border... didn't the 911 highjackers cross via Canada?
Hey anonymous dude!
Funny you should mention it. I WILL be going out to mow my lawn here in a little while. But, before I do I will also put some laundry on the clothsline to dry. Clean the kitchen and do whatever else I need to do. I don't need an illegal immgrant to survive or enjoy living. Though some corporations do in order to keep down wages and build up their bottom lines and increase their CEO's salary.
I'm for securing all our borders North and South. Right now the main problem is the southern border that's where the boat is leaking from the most.
You either didn't read or didn't understand the article. First, illegal immigrants pay billions in taxes: sales taxes, social security taxes, property taxes, etc. If they are given legal status they will pay federal and state income taxes as well and thus contribute to the cost of education. They will simultaneously get better educated, become more productive, and contribute more to society as a whole--and pay more taxes as their incomes climb.
You've got a problem with that?
Please we all pay sales taxes when we buy things. As for Social Security taxes many illegals pay those taxes because U.S. law requires employees to pay them and that they have Social Security numbers. The problem with illegals they use fradualent means including identy theft to obtain these numbers. Two wrongs still don;t make a right.
Your asked who was going to pay for it and I just pointed out that immigrants--whether illegal or not--pay a variety of taxes, including some, Social Security, from which only we, the native-born, will benefit.
The "two wrongs don't make a right" and "they came illegally" arguments I do not find very convincing. The government and business owners knew perfectly well that our roads were being built by, our produce was being picked by, and our chicken was being processed by your so-called "illegals." Everyone overlooked it because lots of people were benefiting off of them.
I have no problem building a wall to keep out additional immigrants, but the millions who have worked here for years deserve a shot at citizenship. And they should pay the fine and back taxes.
Or, if you want to be consistent, let's throw every employer who violated our laws for the last 20 years by hiring illegals. Why are you not demanding that?
I heard most undocumented immigrants are here because they overstayed their visa? If that is so, a wall won't do anything except make more money for coyotes, who charge up to $2,000 per person.
Beer Can, the current US policy reminds me of the child who makes castles on the sandy beach. Eventually the continous waves will wash it away.
And what about Mexican (or Canadian) truckers. Have you ever heard of just-in-time supply chain operations. Manufacturers (which employ US citizens) would FREAK if that widget did get to that Toyota Tundra Truck plant on time. Cut off this and you will kill regional border economies that would make Enron look like a picnic.
Beer Can, do we just ignore NAFTA like we did with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Where was the rule of law then? Oh yeah, the US had "manifest destiny" on their side... what ever that means. I guess we read different history books. Tell me more about your economic argument Beer Can, your math doesn't add up.
Beer Can do you really want to eliminate the efficiencies created by a globalized economy? Put another way, do you want to pay more for your produce.... because i can see US citizens bitching big time for more pay for picking your tomatoes or building your sidewalk. I like saving money on produce, Toyota trucks and public works projects. Do you? Go to and provide a "real" solution.
Oh, on the social security, unemployment insurance, etc. Those fradulent documents are used, but the cash is still green. And guess who uses it and guess who doesn't have a right to those fund.
Do some history reading. In the early 60s the bracero program pushed by big agri-business "promised" Mexican nationals a pension of sorts. WRONG WETBACK! But thanks for playing... Seems you have a selective application of the rule of law. US government has F**ked immigrants over and over, contrary to the "rule of law" -- you know Diego the Dishwasher WILL NEVER access unemployment insurance or social security but STILL HAS TO PAY TAXES.
I do have a problem with illegal immigrants getting on a path to citizenship. Don't break into my house and then demand a place at the table. Just because the illegals have broken the laws for years does not allow for an illegal immigrant to get citizenship. Immigrants who get respect are those who respect our laws. And there are plenty of people who would gladly come to work here leagally. soo those that are here illegally will realize that the sooner they go back home and get in line for those jobs the sooner they will start making money again. But, we should not reward those that have managed to evade our immigration laws to be rewarded with citizenship unles they come through our borders legally. Period.!
I also agree with you that we should not let the businesses who hired the illegals off the hook either. I am all for enforcing the laws against the businesses who hire the illegals too. Big and small.
Illegals use more social services than they ever pay in taxes which increases taxes on middle class taxpayers of the U.S. Using fradualent means to get social security numbers does not make it ok to work here either. That's another law that they have broken. Whether they get benefits of not. Which brings up another bad aspect of the Senate Bill which allows illegal immigrants to claim Social Security benefits even though they may have used fradulent means to get Social Security numbers.
Wait a second Elias, not so fast.
1. The Urban Institute cited Nobel Prize winning economists in their ongoing study of economic impact. The cost issue is real (i.e. public schools, hospitals, etc.). But the fact is immigrants contribute more into the system (local, state federal) then they recieve (i.e. social security, unemployment insurance, etc.).
2. A USA version of the Berlin Wall is not the answer. Global economics is a train that has left the station.
3. Agreed, path to EARNED citizenship makes good public policy and speaks to the bedrock American values of liberty, equality and self-reliance.
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