Tuesday, May 16, 2006

President Bush's speech last night was too little too late but, that least Washington is waking up to the issue, Even Bush seemed to finally realize there is a problem with the flood of illegal immigrants. But, what Bush says and what he does are sometimes two different things so he and the congress need to be watched carefully. Though there were some interesting revelations.

"We do not yet have full control of the border, and I am determined to change that,"

Are you kidding George? And here I thought all those Hispanic males standing around the street corners in my suburban Long Island community were just tourists.

"For the first time in a public forum, Bush endorsed new procedures that would give illegal immigrants who have lived here for an extended time preferred status in obtaining citizenship.
So let me get this straight. The longer an illegal alien has violated our immigration laws the more the will be rewarded. What kind of message does this send to the community. The longer you hide in the shadows the more you will be rewarded. It's time for Bush, McCain, Kennedy and others in Congress to understand that you do not reward people who have broken our laws. The illegals will understand this simple concept even if the politicians in Washington do not.

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