Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wall Street Journal of blindness.

The Wall Street Journal is great paper as long as you throw away the editorial pages. Yesterday on the train back from Washington I glanced at an editorial that said that Republicans were missing the good aspects of illegal immigration. But, the editorial pointed out the good it was doing not for the U.S. but, for Mexico. The Wall Street Journal editorial pinheads said the "estimated" 20 billion dollars that illegal immigrants send back to Mexico helps the Mexican economy. Yep, the WSJ says it's a good thing the $20 billion flows out of the U.S economy. Of course the editorial does not look at how the U.S. taxpayers subsidize these workers while they are here making money that they send out of the country. They did not mention the cost of the social services, school taxes used by the illegals which even economist Paul Krugman of the New York Times understands that the illegals use more in services than they pay in taxes. Maybe if the members of the editorial board were made to pay for more the services the illegals use through higher taxes they would no longer have the blind spot to the hidden costs of illegal middle class tax payers.

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