Wednesday, August 03, 2011


It's certainly nice to see Congresswoman Gabby Giffords back in the House of Representatives after her near fatal gun shot wound. But, it was funny to see the liberal media fall over themselves in coverage of this event during and after the vote on raising the U.S. debt limit. NBC NIGHTLY NEWS had no less than two stories about her return the next day nearly twenty four hours later.

Memo to: Brian Williams:
From: BCP
RE: Gabby Giffords coverage

Your program is called NBC Nightly News not NBC Nightly "Old" News.

Of course the Liberal media seemed to have missed Vice President Joe Biden welcoming Congresswoman Giffords to the "cracked heads club". Jonah Goldberg has more on the overblown coverage by the liberal news media here is one of the money quotes:

"The Today Show even had Debbie Wasserman Schultz on this morning for five minutes talking about Giffords. No one thought to ask her what she thought of Biden’s comments? It’s not like she’s the Democratic party’s national spokesperson or anything. Oh, wait. She is!"

Why so much coverage? I imagine there are two many liberal executive producers in the network control rooms like a Saturday Night Live skit  instead of screaming for more "cowbell" are just saying more "Gabby". While many viewers are just saying "enough already"!

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