Thursday, January 25, 2007

And the problem is?

The Washington Post on Monday had an article on the push by some pro-illegal immigrant groups to push the Democrats toward some type of immigration bill in their favor. They see problems like:

"Pressure to allow in more workers has been mounting since Congress passed a law in September to fund hundreds of miles of new fences along the border with Mexico and a series of raids against illegal workers last month by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security."

And the problem is? With a border crackdown and the Federal Government actually starting to protect our borders businesses are beginning to realize that the unlimited hiring of illegal workers may be coming to an end and that they will FINALLY need to obey the law like many middle class taxpayers do. That's not a problem that's part of the solution.

"On January 8, the League of United Latin American Citizens and the Hispanic Federation asked Democratic leaders to take action on immigration within 100 days, saying the raids "stirred further emotion and fear" in the Hispanic communities."

And the problem is? If you have broken the law as the illegal immigrants have done by entering this country illegally and therefore continually violate our laws you should be in fear because you know you have broken the law. That's not a problem. Fear for those who break the law is a good motivator to actually stop breaking the law and do things legally. That's part of the solution to illegal immigration.

Now this is a problem:

"ACLU lawyers said the lawsuit, for which they seek class-action status, is the first to argue that illegal immigrants should be treated better than convicted criminals or pretrial inmates because they are held on civil-administrative, not criminal, grounds."

Memo to the ACLU: When a person enters the United States illegally they have broken U.S. immigration laws. Criminal illegal immigrants are not supposed to be treated better than other criminals. The problem here is that the American Civil Liberties Union needs to change it's name to the Aliens Civil Liberties Union.


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