Monday, October 31, 2005

Cheney/Libby plan for us on Iraq was: Let them eat Yellowcake!

As the boot of justice gets closer to the butts of some people in the White House. Laura Rozen has the tale of how the White House got the "intelligence" and ran with it. They can't blame the CIA for this one. What needs be remembered is that Cheney and the Neocons driving this country to war always wanted to gather their own intelligence and they did. The Niger Yellowcake story is one to those attempts. Pushing these lies were part of the attempt to get the public to support a war with Iraq. But, when Joe Wilson exposed the truth, their evil side came out and they attempted to not only destroy him but, also his covert CIA wife and in the process who knows how many other CIA operatives who were using the same cover as Wilson's wife. These guys in the Whitehouse are just another form of evil doers who will lash out whenever they are confronted with their own lies.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Oil Company profits soar. Thanks suckers!

"Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican, said oil company executives would be asked to appear at a Senate hearing to explain why energy prices are so high. "

That should be filed in the Stupid Senator questions file. The reason why gas prices are so high is that the oil companies love limiting the refining capacity and control over oil distribution with things like the Texas Railway Commissionlwhich for years limited the amount of crude pumped from the Texas oil fields. So successful was Texas Commission in the control over oil it is often forgotten that OPEC was modeled after it.
The oil companies continue to limit the amount of oil pumped and more importantly gas refining. They keep prices high in normal times and when something like Hurricane Katrina comes along and causes any distruption they really make sky high profits. It's supply and demand Senator Frist. They control the supply so they can demand whatever they want. We can all thank those whoe voted to keep Republicans like Bush and Cheney ( two oil men) in the Whitehouse and the Republicans in control over both Houses of Congress. The Oil companies say: Thanks suckers!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The CIA outing and the bigger picture.

As we wait for the indictments here in Washington concerning the leaking of the covert identity of Joe Wilson's CIA wife it is important to remember that the abuse of power by those involved in outing Ms. Wilson goes far beyond her. They also exposed other CIA agents who also used the same cover and also the people who did operations with them. To those who think this is just a story about politics. I say: It's about National Security Stupid!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Texas technicality.

Here is an interesting comment regarding the White House scandal involving Karl Rove and Scooter Libby and maybe Vice President Cheney

" I certainly hope that if there is going to be an indictment that says something happened, that it is an indictment on a crime and not some perjury technicality where they couldn't indict on the crime and so they go to something just to show that their two years of investigation was not a waste of time and taxpayer dollars."

So said Republican Senator Kay Baily Hutchison on Sunday's MEET THE PRESS.

Dear Senator Hutchison: FYI, Perjury is a crime! I believe even in Texas. Though I'm not sure about corruption.

And yes ,she is from Texas.

Not just from Texas but a hypocrite from Texas as shown here at Crooks and Liars.

Hand me the popcorn.

It appears that that some of the neocons will be behind bars soon. Looks like at least some of the neocon chickenhawks will be coming to White House to roost. Time to make some popcorn sit back and enjoy the show. The Rove and Libby show may have a guest appearence by VP Dick Cheney soon. Let us hope so. This is better than watching the West Wing on NBC and too important to our country and the rule of law to ignore.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Where to begin?

I have left the wicked city and traveled to the Isle of Long to do a few things like winterize the boat and have it pulled from the water just in time to avoid the posibility that Hurricane Wilma may clip the eastern end of the island. A lot of news to blog about. Delay, Judy Miller, Bush, McCain on Illegal Immigration, where to begin?.Let's see...

Monday, October 17, 2005

So close yet so far. Bush ignores the future.

I went down to the National Mall here in Washington D.C. last Tuesday to look at the solar houses assembled there from Universities all over the country for the Solar Decathalon. Around 4 pm I heard the sound of helicopters and watched as President Bush returned back to the White House from yet another trip to the Gulf states on Marine 1. It would have been a quick walk from the White House for Bush to see the houses and the efficent ideas that the students came up with. Instead Bush hung out with the dinosaurs of the oil industry and ignored the future.
My feelings about these students and also the work of the special prosecuter Pat "Bulldog" Fitzgerald working the CIA outing case is: "Let the sunshine in."

P.S. Congratulations to the University of Colorado for winning the competition though the work of all the teams makes all of us winners in the long run even without the President of the United States.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Judy, Judy ,Judy!

Here comes New York Times reporter and Bush administration neocon cheerleader Judy Miller shooting herself in the foot

"My recollection, I told him, was that Mr. Libby wanted to modify our prior understanding that I would attribute information from him to a "senior administration official." When the subject turned to Mr. Wilson, Mr. Libby requested that he be identified only as a "former Hill staffer." I agreed to the new ground rules because I knew that Mr. Libby had once worked on Capitol Hill."

So let me get this straight Ms. Miller you not only agreed to help the Bush administration throw mud on Wilson and his CIA employed wife but, you also agreed to help cover up Libby's tracks.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

George Will: the elitist conservative hypocrite

While spending some time to organize my constantly overflowing study I came across a George Will colum from 2003 where he was pushing for the confirmation of Miguel Estrada for the U.S Court of Appeals. The contrast of his argument for Estrada (who was also rumored to be on the short list for the next Supreme Court a.ppointment) and his critque of Harriet Miers is interesting, sexist or elitist. You decide. Here is an example:

"Senate Democrats cite Estrada' lack of judical experience. But 15 of the 18 nominees to the D.C. court since President Carter have lacked such experience, as did 26 Clinton circuit judge nominees who were confirmed. And 43 of the 108 Supreme Court Justices (most recently Byron White, Thurgood Marshall and Lewis Powell) including eight of the 18 chief justices (most recently Earl Warren) had no prior judical experience." -George Will 2/28/2003

Here's hypocrite George on Harriet Meyers:

"The wisdom of presumptive opposition to Miers' confirmation flows from the fact that constitutional reasoning is a talent -- a skill acquired, as intellectual skills are, by years of practice sustained by intense interest. It is not usually acquired in the normal course of even a fine lawyer's career."
-George Will 10/4/2005

So which is it George? Or is it just because Ms. Miers is a woman and Estrada was a man.

Friday, October 14, 2005

With Bush administration the whole war is staged.

The Bush "perception managment" team got caught with their pants down as the Bush teleconference "with the troops" yesterday showed. A rehersal before Bush spoke showed that specific questions were directed to specific Captains. No grunts allowed and no surprises for the President. It was not surprising to me because expecting truth and honesty from this crowd around Bush is just not going to happen. From the reasons for the Iraq War to the planted journalist in the Whitehouse Press pool (Jeff Gannon) you really can not believe much of what this Whitehouse says. It now appears the rest of the country is catching on to the BS eminating from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

What drives Karl Rove and what is he driving and why?

I found it interesting watching the media stakeout video on Monday of Karl Rove leaving his house on the way to work at the Whitehouse. I wonder if anyone else noticed the Rove the senior advisor to the flag waving Bush administration pulled out of his garage driving a Jaguar! I can just hear the Republican damage control spin machine retorting: "Well at at least it was not a French auto." Hypocrisy Ho!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Bush at play in the fields of the Oil Industry

As Bush once again heads back to the scene of the crime in New Orleans. One wonders if as his helicopter lifts off from the Whitehouse lawn he will notice a bunch of houses that have sprung up on the National Mall. George Bush gave one speech about how Americans should conserve because of the disaster in the energy fields of the Gulf Coast. But, nowhere this week did he mention the event that was on display within walking distance of the Whitehouse on the Mall. I'm talking about the Solar Decathalon where universities from all over the country have on display their solar houses in a contest for solar and energy efficency. It just another example of how Bush and his energy industry cronies really don't want to promote energy saving technologies they know it will hurt their wallets too much.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Translating George Will

One has to chuckle when right wing conservative George Will says this about George Bush:

"He has neither the inclination nor the ability to make sophisticated judgments about competing approaches to construing the Constitution. Few presidents acquire such abilities in the course of their pre-presidential careers, and this president particularly is not disposed to such reflections."

TRANSLATION: George Bush is one dumb President.

One question to Will and the Christian crazies of the right who are now turning on George Bush . What took you so long to figure out that Bush is not the brightest bulb in the White House.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Texas Welfare, Bushit and the oil companies.

Hello suckers!:
That sucking sound you hear is the sound of money once again flowing out of your wallet taxpayers. The Republicans in the House have become so corrupt that they don't seem to care anymore how much it hurts middle class taxpayers. The latest outrage occurred yesterday with the "Gasoline for America’s Security Act of 2005" . President Bush earlier in the week remarked that there have been no new oil refineries built since the late seventies. Why is that George? It's because big oil knows if they control the supply they control the price and their profits. That's been the story out of Houston since they discovered oil in Texas. Any other excuse is just Texas bullshit! The House bill passed yesterday should have been called the "Let's screw the taxpayer and give the oil companies some more Texas corporate welfare bill."

Friday, October 07, 2005

One GOOD thing about Tom Delay.

If there was one good thing about Tom Delay it was his stance on not giving amnesty to aliens who have entered the U.S. illegally. Let's hope who ever takes over takes the same stance and stands up to the special intrests that want to continue to force the American taxpayer to continue to subsidize these illegals and live with the problems they cause in our communities.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

New York Times the bias in the headlines.

In looking at the reporting of the Larry Franklin and his giving classified secret military information to two pro-Israeli lobbyists and an Israel offical. It was interesting to see how the New York Times buried the story on page 21 with the headline:
"Pentagon Analyst Admits Sharing Secret Data"
While the Washington Post carried a more informative headline:
"Defense Analyst Guilty in Israeli Espionage Case"
Somebody's bias is showing at the Times.

Don't try to reason with treason.

"Lawrence Franklin, who previously worked as an analyst in the office of the secretary of defense, also pleaded guilty to conspiring to communicate classified information to an Israeli embassy official and illegally possessing classified documents at his West Virginia home. "

The U.S. government should put him in a cell next to Jonathan Pollard so they can both go to hell together! It's time the government crack down on anyone who gives U.S. secrets to foriegn governments.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tell Chevron to shove it!

The outrage of the week (so Far) was a commercial I saw on the Chris Matthews Show last week. It was from Chevron. The basis of the commercial was bad mouthing wind energy. I wonder why? The oil and gas companies know the gig is about up but, they are going to try and suck as much money from our wallets as they can. With two Oil men (Bush and Cheney) in the White House things will never be better for them than right now. One way to keep the money flowing in is to eliminate or at least delay any alternative energy sources. Hold on to your wallets these Texans will be trying to rustle as many dollars out of as they can get away with.

Oh, and don't forget to take the BEER CAN POLITICS ENERGY QUIZ while you are here.

Lou Dobbs, Judy Miller and the truth

While ex-jailbird and New York Times reporter Judy Miller attempts to distract everyone from her cheerleading role in pushing this country into war on the pages of the New York Times. Lou Dobbs was practically tongue kissing her with his "exclusive" interview with her. While I too think that reporters should be able to protect their sources so that information can be made public. But, Miller's sanctimonious stance is laughable. Who was she protecting? Neocons in the Bush administration who at the very least used her in an attempt to destroy other people's lives not to mention put people and national security at risk for political purposes. There is no high journalist standard to uphold protecting such scoundrels.
Lou Dobbs lobs a softball question and a biased one at that by saying that "liberals" have questioned her closeness to the administration. HEY LOU! It's not just "liberals" it's people like Justin Riamondo who was Pat Bucahnan's running mate when he ran for President. He's no liberal that's for sure.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Fee fi fo fon I smell a Neocon!

Newsweek has this report that should raise eyebrows about exactly how close Judy Miller was to the neocon cabal in the Bush administration that helped push the U.S. into the Iraq war.

" on Sept. 19, in what participants described as an "awkward" four-way conference call that included Libby, Miller (patched in on a jailhouse phone) and their lawyers. "I'm sorry you're in jail, Judy," Libby said, according to an account provided by his lawyer, Joseph Tate. "I am, too. The food is not very good," Miller replied. Libby then told Miller he wanted to "encourage" her to testify to "help both of us... get this matter behind us." At one point, Libby added "something like, 'We miss you'," according to Tate's account."

The real question is WHO IS THIS WE, MR. LIBBY?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Criminals in our communities.

Here is an outrage that gets this middle class taxpayer really pissed off. Brookhaven Town out on Long Island New York has been cracking down on illegal group homes in it's borders. It happens that most of these are located in a town called Farmingville and are occuppied by illegal aliens most of whom are Latino. Now a Latino group is taking the town to court because they are claiming discrimination in the evictions because most of the inhabitants of these illegal border houses are illegal Latino immigrants. You can't make this stuff up. How long must middle class taxpayers wait before the FEDERAL government protects our borders and stops allowing the illegal's from becoming problems in our communities in the first place.