Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Congressman Mike Pence does not get it

Congressman Mike Pence is leading the congressional charge for a "compromise" on illegal immigration. But, what it really is a back door plan for corporations to control immigration and give them all the cheap labor they want while middle class U.S. taxpayers subsidize it all. . When asked why he was focused on the immigration issue Pence said "April 11, 1923. That is when Pence's Irish Catholic Grandfather arrived on Ellis Island. EARTH TO CONGRESSMAN PENCE! Most of the immigrants now in the country are here illegally. They are not coming through legally like his grandfather did. They are not paying the employment and local taxes that the middle class working stiffs/taxpayers are required to pay. They have not respected our immigration laws! Why is this Republican Congressman from Indiana pushing for this compromise that fellow conservatives like Phyllis Shlafly of the Eagle Forum called "a sick joke". Pence bills himself as "a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order." Perhaps Pence should also remember he is a Congressman who took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and yes, Congressman Pence that includes protecting our borders from illegal immigrants crossing them.

1 comment:

SCGOP said...

Pence's plan seals the border and forces all illegals to return home to apply legally. You will not get a better plan than that.