Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Some good news for America!

Even with Israel continuing it's military slaughter of Lebanon (where Israel is sowing the seeds for it's own destruction with every bomb it drops) and Iraq sliding ever more closely toward civil war. There is some good news for us here in the U.S. who still believe in Democracy. What has giving me hope when death and destruction are the news of the day? This quote from the Washington Post is what did it for me:

"Most Americans describe themselves as being in an anti-incumbent mood heading into this fall's midterm congressional elections, and the percentage of people who approve of their own representative performance is at the lowest level since 1994, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll."

It sums up my feelings exactly! Even as a lifelong Democrat I will not be pulling the lever for my Congressman Democrat Tim Bishop of Long Island this election as I did twice before. He has failed to represent me despite the letters and emails sent to his office. He does not get the outrage of voters like me on issues such as stopping illegal immigration, Iraq and other issues. It appears other fellow voters in the U.S. of both parties are feeling the same way about the incumbents and that is GOOD NEWS!

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