Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The White House of sand and fog.

We can only hope that the those who work in the White House and for the Bush administration begin to realize that there are consequences to lying as Scooter Libby has found out. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was spot on in calling what Libby did a "corrupt endeavor". It is ironic that the guilty verdicts for Scooter Fibby came down on March 6 2007. Four years earlier on March 6 2003 President Bush held his last press conference before the U.S. went to war in Iraq. At the press conference Bush said:

"We care about the suffering of the Iraqi people. I mentioned in my opening comments that there's a lot of food ready to go in. There's something like 55,000 oil-for-food distribution points in Iraq. We know where they are. We fully intend to make sure that they're -- got ample food. We know where their hospitals are; we want to make sure they've got ample medical supplies. The life of the Iraqi citizen is going to dramatically improve. "
-President Bush March 6, 2003
The Scooter Libby trail was not about Joe Wilson's wife, it was about an administration that was
obsessed about making the case for going to war in Iraq and destroying anyone who attempted to cast any doubt on their credibility or question their "facts". It was a PR program of sand and fog to push this country into war. In the end President Bush, Vice President Cheney and the Neocons got their war in Iraq. The life of Iraqi citizens did not dramatically improve and yesterday 10 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq. Yes, there are consequences to lying.

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