Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Illegal Immigration Gang of Four .

"Closed-door meetings to draft the legislation have been going on for months with Sens. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and John McCain, R-Ariz., and Reps. Luis Gutierrez , D-Ill., and Jeff Flake, R-Ariz"-Washington Post

Shades of Dick Cheney's energy policy meetings. The illegal immigration "Gang of Four" in Congress are attempting to push through an amnesty bill to allow illegal immigrants who have not respected U.S. laws to in fact magically become legal. If they succeed it will be just be another problem caused by the FAILURE of the Federal government to be swept under the rug and onto the backs of middle class taxpayers. And who are these clueless legislators turning to for help to ram this through Congress? President George (F.U.B.A.R.) Bush himself. You just know that the illegal immigration problem in our communities will not get better if these congressional thugs get their way.

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