Friday, June 29, 2007

Sense in the Senate

Well I am back connected online and about to head back to Washington after a few days staring at the ocean waves in Eastern Long Island. There is a lot to blog about but, I guess the only thing I can say is that I feel relieved that our democracy is still working despite the attempt by George Bush and the "Grand Bargainers" aka The gang of 12 Senators (Kennedy,McCain,Reid,Menendez,Spector,Graham etc...)who with their backroom deal attempted to railroad the Illegal Immigration amnesty bill through the Senate several times. I get livid when I hear the corporate mainstream media say opposition to the amnesty bill this was driven by conservative talk radio. I NEVER listen to talk radio and don't take my marching orders from the likes of Rush Limbaugh or any other hosts. My opposition to the bill's amnesty provision was based on common sense and the track record of the Federal Government following the 1986 amnesty bill which has created the situation we now have in the country. Doing another amnesty like that proposed in this Senate Immigration bill and expecting different results is by definition insanity! Luckily, there were some sane Senators who where able to stop this bill. I will be making calls to their offices to thank them. I have already called Senator Chambliss to thank him for his attention and pointing out all the loopholes in the Bill. Here is a complete list of the heroes of the Senate who bucked the business and pro-illegal immigration lobbyist who wanted to ram this bad bill down the throats of the American people:

Alexander (R-TN),Allard (R-CO), Barrasso (R-WY),Baucus (D-MT),Bayh (D-IN),Bingaman (D-NM),Bond (R-MO),Brown (D-OH),Brownback (R-KS),Bunning (R-KY),Burr (R-NC),Byrd (D-WV),Chambliss (R-GA),Coburn (R-OK),Cochran (R-MS),Coleman (R-MN),Collins (R-ME)
Corker (R-TN),Cornyn (R-TX),Crapo (R-ID),DeMint (R-SC),Dole (R-NC),Domenici (R-NM)
Dorgan (D-ND),Ensign (R-NV),Enzi (R-WY),Grassley (R-IA),Harkin (D-IA),Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX),Inhofe (R-OK),Isakson (R-GA),Landrieu (D-LA),McCaskill (D-MO)
McConnell (R-KY),Murkowski (R-AK),Nelson (D-NE),Pryor (D-AR),Roberts (R-KS)
Rockefeller (D-WV),Sanders (I-VT),Sessions (R-AL),Shelby (R-AL),Smith (R-OR)
Stabenow (D-MI),Stevens (R-AK),Sununu (R-NH),Tester (D-MT),Thune (R-SD),Vitter (R-LA)
Voinovich (R-OH),Warner (R-VA),Webb (D-VA)

We all owe them a call and a thank you for doing the right thing by the American people. The Senate switchboard number is 202 224-3121
While this was a great victory for our Democracy and the people of the country. I still am keeping "I love secure borders" bumper sticker on my car. Because as Senator Kennedy threatened "we'll be back" We know that Senator and we will be ready!

Monday, June 25, 2007

The power outage and the power of outrage!

A transformer blew up in my neighborhood the other day knocking out power to the house. I was on the computer and so had to stop and do other things not dependent of the electric grid. I got quite a lot done which reminds me we need to shut off the computer from time to time. That's what I'll be doing for the next few days. My girlfriend is dragging me out to the Hamptons for a few days where I'll be sitting on a beach in Ammagansett for the rest of the week. I received an email today that read in part:
The critical vote coming this week will be on the "cloture" of S.1639.
This vote is one to stop (limit to a finite amount of time) debate on the bill and force a final vote. Cloture requires 60 votes to pass.
The final bill only requires a majority (51) votes to pass. One of the tricks some Senators may be counting on is to vote YES on cloture, knowing full well that there will be 51 votes to pass the bill, and then vote NO on the bill itself so they can tell their voters they voted against it. It is up to you and all your friends and relatives to call their offices and let them know that it is their vote on cloture which will be used to judge them at the polls the next time they are up for election. They need to know that America wants them to VOTE NO ON CLOTURE on S.1639. A simple message to follow that may be something such as "We want our EXISTING LAWS enforced before you enact any additional ones."

Remember, it is NOT our immigration system which is broken, as so many in Washington DC continually repeat in hopes that if you hear it enough you will believe it. It is the will of the politicians in Washington DC which is broken. It is their will to enforce the law as is their sworn duty which is broken. This is something which we as a nation can "fix" at the ballot box. .

The email also gave the names of Senators that needed to be called
Bond (R-MO), Bingaman (D-NM), Burr (R-NC), Boxer (D-CA), * Cochran (R-MS) '08 , Conrad (D-ND), * Craig (R-ID) '08, * Domenici (R-NM) '08, Ensign (R-NV),Gregg (R-NH), Hatch (R-UT), * Levin (D-MI) '08, Webb (D-VA), Nelson (D-NE), * McConnell (R-KY) '08, * Smith (R-OR) '08, * Warner (R-VA) '08
about the newest Shamnesty bill S.1369 Kennedy/Bush/McCain/Lott/Graham and others are trying to ram through the Senate. So even though I won't be online I will have my cell phone on the beach and a number of staffers in the Senate offices will be hearing from me and also hearing the sound of the ocean in the background. I may be on vacation but, my participation in our Democracy never is.

P.S. The Senate switchboard number is 202 224-3121

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Exhibit A!

Did you ever hear people pushing for s1348 and illegal immigration rights say the illegals are doing the jobs Americans won't do? Did you ever say to yourself that can't be true. I'm sure some American would do the job. You could be right. Here is the money quote from a seminar held in May on how companies can screw American workers:
"'Our goal is clearly not to find a qualified and interested U.S. worker,' said partner Lawrence Lebowitz on the video. 'And, you know, that in a sense that sounds funny, but it's what we're trying to do here.'"

and here is EXHIBIT A:

Friday, June 22, 2007

A good Democrat.

It gives me hope when I see a Democrat doing the right thing for the country and not pandering for votes like many of the Democrats who are trying pushing S1348 the Senate Immigration Shamnesty Bill through the Senate. A tip of the hat to Senator Claire McCaskill Democrat of Missouri who will vote no on cloature of the Immigration Amnesty bill.

Is there anybody....

Vice President Cheney's office has refused to comply with an executive order governing the handling of classified information for the past four years and recently tried to abolish the office that sought to enforce those rules, according to documents released by a congressional committee yesterday.-Washington Post

Is there anybody in Washington who will go into Cheney's office and have a little talk with him before he does anymore damage to our democracy. I have not heard of this kind of deranged behavior by someone in the Executive branch since John McLaughlin supposedly chained himself to his desk during the Nixon administration.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bloomberg needs to explain a few things.

As New York's elitist mayor Michael Bloomberg once again puts his toe into the Presidential race he needs to esplain a few things. Like if he becomes President will he protect the United States and that means secure it's borders? Something which as mayor he has failed to do. In fact he even encouraged violations of United States immigration law by continuing the sanctuary policy for illegal immigrants in New York City.

It's a new dawn!

I was thinking of the words of Grace Slick and the Jefferson Airplane singers words at Woodstock today. As the band took the stage she intoned "It's a new dawn people." I thought of those words as I read an article in Politico today about the impact of viral videos and blogs on politics and political campaigns. Here are some of the money quotes:
Today, most people tune out paid marketing messages as fast as they can. Big media entities don't fare much better. We're far more likely to trust something a friend or acquaintance shares with us. So if someone posts a video with a statement about the campaign and shares it with 10 friends, who each tell 10 more, those 100 people may be more influenced by that one person than by any other political messenger they may encounter.

As I often consider my little piece of the blogosphere I was particularly buoyed by the following passage:
The same is true of the political blogosphere, where a handful of blogs may appear to have the lion's share of attention but a closer look shows that there are literally tens of thousands of sites that have at least 20 other sites linking to them. The amount of conversation going on in that arena is richer and, by sheer traffic alone, far larger than what you would find if you look at only the top 50 or 100 sites.

I have come across some interesting perspectives in the blogosphere that probably would not have survived the editorial filter of mainstream media. Indeed I very rarely will write a letter to the editor of a newspaper instead will publish my thoughts here. I think this passage sums it up nicely:
Instead, what is emerging is the most robust democratic and participatory political arena in America in perhaps two centuries. Not since the days of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine and the myriad printer-pamphleteers have there been this many vibrant voices engaged in the national political debate.

Yep, It's a new dawn.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A whole Lott of Anger!

The Washington Post had a piece about the outrage that Republican Senator Trent Lott caused by statements directed at Talk Radio and the conservative base and their opposition the the Senate Shamesty bill s1348. Lott seems to have done a John McCain and also shot himself in the foot with most of the conservatives in this country. Jeff Sessions of Alabama on the other hand knows better:"
A decent respect for our constituents means when they have very serious problems with an important piece of legislation, perhaps we should back off,"-Jeff Sessions

Road trip

About to leave in a few minutes on a road trip to bring my girlfriends car up north for a trip out to Amagansett on the eastern end of Long Island next week. I look forward to this trip which I make about two or three times a year. Highlights include a stop in Sudlersville Maryland for a piece of homemade pie at a local eating spot. Helen's Sausage House for two sausage sandwiches for breakfast and a pork chop sandwich to go. Not to mention cheap gas on the New Jersey Turnpike. If you see me along the way honk your horn. My car will be the one with the
I LOVE SECURE BORDERS bumper sticker.

Burning down our house.

U.S. Border Patrol agents seeking to secure the nation's border in some of the country's most pristine national forests are being targeted by illegal aliens, who are using intentionally set fires to burn agents out of observation posts and patrol routes.
The wildfires have destroyed valuable natural and cultural resources in the National Forest System and pose an ongoing threat to visitors, residents and responding firefighters, according to federal law-enforcement authorities and others
.- Washington Times

Stories like this make me wonder what it takes to get the attention of the Bush administration and those in Washington pushing the S1348 Senate Amnesty bill as to what is going on at our country's borders. Perhaps if the people setting these fires were Al-Qaeda maybe Washington would start to take notice.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A wake up call for Michael Chertoff!

I was listening to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff yesterday on MSNBC's Morning Joe program. I thought Joe Scarborough let him off easy and allowed Chertoff to get away with his talking points without to much questioning. Like when Chertoff complained that in some cities where ICE conducted raids on illegal immigrant fugitives Chertoff got complaints from some of the mayors. People like Mayor Destefano of New Haven. Once again we have the head of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff crying that a few people like Mayor Destefano are complaining about that the Department of Homeland Security when it is actually doing it's job. Maybe the rest of us should start to complain to Mr. Chertoff too about how he should continue to do his job which is to protect the borders and enforce the immigration laws after neglecting it for so long. Maybe if he gets enough complaints he will realize that is why we are paying him. Here are some numbers for you to call at Homeland Security:

Citizen Line
Operator Number: 202-282-8000
Comment Line: 202-282-8495


I got your energy plan. Right here!

Two influential House Democrats backed away yesterday from proposals that had split members of their party and delayed debate on energy legislation that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has vowed to pass before July 4.-Washington Post

What a surprise! This is why I don't wait for Washington to solve the country's energy problems. I have my own energy policy which is to keep as much money in my pocket and put less into the wallets of the Texans and Saudis. And it is working! In fact sometimes to much. This week the BCP energy plan is to cover up the solar panels on the roof because the sun is causing too much heat to be contained in the storage tank. That is my energy plan this week.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Richard Nixon is smiling in his grave.

Thirty five years ago yesterday the Watergate burglary happened. The country was outraged that people in the Federal Government would commit such an outrage in our Democracy. Today Congress via the Patriot Act has officially sanctioned similar acts like the Watergate burglary as law. Richard Nixon must be smiling in his grave.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wrong TIME!

In another example of faulty reporting by the mainstream media on the illegal immigration bill. TIME magazine joins the the New York Times in spreading false information on S1348. Even more egregious that this information is presented in the TIME cover story June 18th 2007 called "Immigration Why Amnesty Makes Sense". While I don't have the "time" to take apart the Nathan Thornburg article completely because I have to go to work to make money to pay taxes unlike many of the illegals. I will point out this quote: "Under the compromise, the 12 million would face a 13 year process including $5,000 in fines." This is just plan wrong! Even Senator Lindsey Graham the La Raza award winner and "Grand Bargainer" points out that illegal worker under this agreement "would pay a $1,000 fine" to obtain a "z" visa to be able to work in the U.S.(which can be renewed indefinitely). The illegal immigrant would ONLY have to pay the $4,000 in additional fines IF they want to get a "green card". But of course mainstream media keeps throwing out the $5,000 figure as fact and what all the illegals will pay under this bill. It does not matter if it's bad reporting, bad editing, or a deliberate attempt to mislead the readers. It is just plain wrong!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Why Senator Ted Kennedy makes me laugh!

Mark Krikorian has come up with a number of quotes on illegal immigration over the years from limo liberal Senator Ted Kennedy who is one of the leaders of the gang of 12 attempting to railroad S1348 the Senate Illegal Immigration Amnesty Bill through the Senate. They are amusing in a pathetic sort of way:

1965: "The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."

1986: "This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this."

2007: "Now it is time for action. 2007 is the year we must fix our broken system."

Well one thing you can say about Ted Kennedy he is more articulate than George Bush, but on the other hand he is just as dumb.


Friday, June 15, 2007

Immigration bill quote of the day.

We're against gushing borders and illegal immigration, which is at this point even souring the general mood on legal immigration, because we don't trust our bureaucrats to let in the people America needs. We don't trust our bureaucrats and leaders to care a lot about America. (We assume that when senators are together, if someone says, "But what about America?" everyone laughs, and then the top senator says, dryly, "Your concern is duly noted. Next.")
-Peggy Noonan

I think that very well describes the attitude of the "grand bargainers" of the Senate who keep pushing this immigration Amnesty bill.

Show us the fence and the enforcement not the money.

George Bush and those stupid Senators who think that a public relations campaign that says "look we are throwing money at the border to show how serious we are about border security". Like this talking point response from Florida Senator Mel Martinez:
"That $4 billion is a tremendous help," said Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.), one of the bill's negotiators and the chairman of the Republican National Committee. "It gives people confidence that security really will be there."

Yeah right! Martinez and others pushing this bill seem to think the American people are stupid. It is good to see there are some in Washington who like the American people really understand what is going on. Here is the real money quote:
"Only in Washington would people believe that throwing money at the problem is going to solve it," said Rep. Brian P. Bilbray (R-Calif.), who is leading the opposition. "This is a blatant attempt by senators to extort votes so they can fast-track an amnesty plan."

The pro amnesty/cheap labor Senators and President Bush trying to railroad this this bill are on the wrong track. The American people will not be fooled by the "show them the money" trick. What those in Washington need to do is show us the enforcement and while you are at it show us the fence!

The facism of Trent Lott?

Republican Senator Trent Lott in today's Washington Post:
I'm sure senators on both sides of the aisle are being pounded by these talk-radio people who don't even know what's in the bill," Lott said. He added that the "leadership will have to be prepared to do what needs to be done."

Like what shoot them? Send them to Guantanamo? While I am no big fan of talk-radio and never listen to it. It is clear that Senators like Trent Lott are fooling themselves if they think that the outrage over the Immigration Amnesty bill is only because of talk-radio. The outrage that Trent Lott and the other Senators are hearing is the real outrage of the American people not talk radio. But, perhaps Lott like George Bush is too stupid to realize it. In which case the voters know what needs to be done!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

What is this world coming too?

I need to check if Hell is freezing over when this Democrat starts agreeing with Newt Gingrich on those in Washington who try and blackmail the American people on the illegal immigration bill:
The Attempt to Blackmail the American People by Threatening to Refuse to Enforce the Law Without a New Bill Is Disgraceful: A number of powerful figures in the Bush Administration and in the Senate have been saying that if we do not agree to pass this destructive bill, they will never enforce the law. Tell your senator that this is an extraordinary effort to blackmail the American people by having officials state that they will fail to perform their sworn duty, and we won't stand for it.-Newt Gingrich

Are you listening Mr. Chertoff?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chertoff just shut up and do your job!

Cabinet officials were not so polite. As Bush was meeting with senators, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff adamantly defended the administration's record on border security. His department is on track to hire 18,000 additional Border Patrol agents and complete 370 miles of fencing along the southern border by the end of next year, he said. He added that a series of workplace raids in recent weeks has yielded more controversy among immigrant rights groups than praise from conservative critics.- Washington Post

Well, Mr. Chertoff as a United States taxpayer let me add my appreciation for the efforts of you and the Department of Homeland Security are doing in conducting raids to remove fugitive illegal aliens as happened recently in New Haven Connecticut. Let me further add that you just shut up and DO THE JOB YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO which is to stop the illegals from coming into the country in the first place and not push the Bush/McCain/Kennedy/Graham amnesty plan.


Hugo Vinicio Hernandez knew that immigration agents could detain him at any time for having disregarded a deportation order in 2001. But the Guatemalan man didn't think he would wind up in the custody of immigration agents as a result of a routine traffic stop.
-Washington Post

That's the problem he did not think. What ever would give him the idea that he could break into the country breaking U.S. immigration laws, be found guilty, become a fugitive, continue to work for several years before being caught? Perhaps the lax enforcement polices of our Federal Government maybe?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fool on the Hill.

For the first time in five years, President Bush will attend the Senate Republicans' weekly policy lunch today as he pushes to revive his moribund overhaul of the nation's immigration laws.-Washington Post

Today President Bush travels to Capitol Hill and attemps to spend whatever political capital he has left by attempting to push an immigration amnesty bill which the American people instinctivly know is a repeat of the failed 1986 immigration amnesty bill. That 1986 immigration bill granted a one time amnesty when there were only three million illegals in the United States. Now there are an estimated twelve million and Bush and some Senators like Ted Kennedy, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham want to give another amnesty. Doing the same thing over and expecting different results is a definition of insanity. Welcome to Bushworld!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The arrogance of President Bush

SOFIA, Bulgaria -- President Bush, turning from adulation in the Balkans to difficulties back home, said Monday his stalled immigration overhaul would be revived and his embattled attorney general would not fall under a Senate vote of no confidence.-Washington Post

I believe we can get it done," Bush said of the immigration bill that has run into deep trouble on Capitol Hill. "I'll see you at the bill signing."

I awoke to those words this morning on my clock radio and thought this is just the kind of arrogance that got us into the Iraq war. Mickey Kaus is right on about Bush disconnect from the American people on the issue and what needs to done.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Oil money and a way of life.

YAEDA VALLEY, Tanzania -- One of the last remaining tribes of hunter-gatherers on the planet is on the verge of vanishing into the modern world.
The transition has been long underway, but members of the dwindling Hadzabe tribe, who now number fewer than 1,500, say it is being unduly hastened by a United Arab Emirates royal family, which plans to use the tribal hunting land as a personal safari playground
-Washington Post

Perhaps before the land of the Hadzabe becomes the private hunting playground for the wealthy UAE Royal family. A stipulation should be that these wealthy Arabs have to survive six months on the property using only the items the Hadzabe tribe use in their life. That means no air conditioned Hummers too!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Politics of Life

I'm currently reading Craig Crawford's THE POLITICS OF LIFE. I read most of it on the Amtrak coming up from Washington last Tuesday. Should finish it today on the return trip. It is a quick read and and explains why even though you may be a quiet, thoughtful and rational person. There are others you will come across in work and life who seem to be off the wall and how to deal with them. Or at least understand their motives for their actions and behavior.

Sympathy for Geraldo the rule of law for the rest of us.

Geraldo Riveria like the pro amnesty crowd that tried to railroad the Senate illegal immigration amnesty bill can not argue the law on why U.S. should allow the illegals to stay after breaking our laws. So the sympathy argument is all he has left oh yes and bring up the Nazi's too. pretty pathetic even by Geraldo's standards. At least Michelle Malkin does a preemptive smack down based on law.

Fear and loathing in New Haven

Earlier this week the city of New Haven Connecticut officially started to condone law breaking by making New Haven a "Sanctuary City" for illegal immigrants and even offered them official cards so that they could use city services and conduct other business transactions. Two days later ICE officials conducted raids that resulted in the arrest of 31 illegal immigrants. New Haven's mayor DeStefano and those who support continued ignoring of U.S. Immigration laws where shocked that the ICE agents might actually enforce the laws that are written. Well, I was shocked too that Homeland Security is finally starting to enforce our laws. That is what is supposed to happen and this is the right way to do it. I agree with those who say we just can't round up twelve million illegals in this country overnight.But, these 12 million did not just come here overnight either. Many came in groups of ten, twenty etc.. or over stayed their visa's and that is how they should be arrested and deported. There are consequences for breaking our laws and the sympathy arguments by the pro illegal groups do not justify lack of respect for U.S. laws. Here is the money quote:

"There is truly no safe haven for fugitive aliens,' said Marc Raimondi, a spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal agency that conducted the raid."

My sentiments exactly! There are millions of people currently outside of the country who would gladly come in LEGALLY to work and take the place of the illegals in places like New Haven if those in Washington would come up with the mechanism for them to do it. You don't have to and should not reward illegals here with amnesty. In the meantime enforce our immigration laws as ICE did in New Haven have this week. And what about those businesses that hired them? Yeah enforcment of our laws should raise the fear level of those who break them. Let's hope the Federal Government does more enforcment

Friday, June 08, 2007

I love DEM guys (and gals)

"A tenuous compromise to overhaul the nation's immigration laws collapsed last night when senators from both parties refused to cut off debate and move to a final vote, handing the unlikely alliance of Democratic leaders and President Bush a setback on a major domestic priority.
The defeat came after months of painstaking negotiations and weeks of debate as a 45 to 50 procedural vote fell well short of the 60 votes needed to break the filibuster. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) then pulled the bill from the floor, while holding out hope that the Senate could resurrect the measure within weeks."
-Washington Post

Well, it seems democracy and the will of the people won this one against all odds and the backroom deal that bought this pig of an immigration bill out into the light where everyone could see how ugly it was. I am especially proud of the 15 Democrats [Max Baucus, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Robert Byrd, Kent Conrad, Byron Dorgan, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Claire McCaskill, Mark Pryor, Harry Reid, Jay Rockefeller, Debbie Stabenow, Jon Tester, Jim Webb] who voted against cloture and help kill this amnesty bill before it went to a vote. They are the true Democrats unlike the limo liberals like Ted Kennedy or those pandering to get the Hispanic vote at the expense of legal immigrants and U.S. citizens. If you ever want to see how a real Democrat should approach this debate watch Byron Dorgan on the Senate floor. He still remembers what the Democratic party should stand for and what his bill was really about:

Adrienne Shelly says thank you.

It was ironic that on the day the Senate illegal immigrant Shamnesty bill went down to at least a temporary defeat an envelope arrived at my house from the Adrienne Shelly Foundation. In it was a letter thanking me for my donation to the non profit organization. It was ironic because Adrienne Shelly was murdered by an illegal immigrant just before her most recent film Waitress which she directed was about to be released. He punched her in the head knocking her out and then dragged Shelly's body back to her office and hung it from the shower rod in an attempt to make it look like a suicide. Her death like that of housewife Mary Nagle is tragic. Both of their deaths continue to haunt me because they could have been prevented had the Federal Government enforced our current immigration laws and not allowed these individuals into the country. But, what I think is more tragic is how the mainstream liberal media in particular covers up how often the bright lights of people like Adrienne Shelly are snuffed out by an illegal immigrants. Certainly not all illegals commit such heinous crimes. But, with no ties to the community and the ability to wander around the country leaving no record or trace which allows criminality of this group to grow. The immigration amnesty bill that was defeated would have encouraged others currently outside the country that they way to get into the U.S. would be to break the laws and come in illegally. Just as the two illegals who killed Mary and Adrienne and others that we often don't hear about in the mainstream media did. It is now time to start enforcing our existing laws and send a message to anyone in this country illegally that we are serious about illegal immigration and that you had better start to make plans to leave and come into the country legally because they American people have had enough! i look upon the thank you note from the Adrienne Shelly Foundation as a thank you from Adrienne herself for my efforts that people obey our laws so that maybe other woman will not meet the same fate as Adrienne and Mary at least from illegals in our communities.
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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Whew! America dodged another one. Cloture vote fails!

Michelle Malkin does a top notch job on reporting on the days events as the gang of 12 in the Senate to ram the Senate Illegal Immigrant Amnesty Bill through against the wishes of the American people. A small victory for the American taxpayer but, I have a sense that this is not over.

Senate Immigration Bill question of the day.

And it's a good question!

Immigration Quote of the Day

"As far as beating this bill, that's going to be up to the American people," said Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa)-Washington Post

Stupidest Immigration Quote of the day.

" Brent Wilkes, national executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens, is concerned that if the bill does not work to stem illegal immigration and provide lawful work, opponents will have far more political ammunition for a crackdown in the future."
"They'll wait 10 to 15 years until we have another 12 million undocumented workers. Then they'll complain like heck," Wilkes said."
-Washington Post

Ya think Mr. Wilkes! But, do you actually think it will take 10 to 15 years for another 12 million illegals to enter the country after the Senate gives those illegals who violated our immigration laws amnesty. The American people know as Senator Grassley said: "“If you reward illegality, you get more of it,” "

Harry Reid "undocumented" Dumbocrat

It pains me to see many of the Democrats pushing this pig of an immigration bill through the Senate. But, it really disgusts me when the Democrat Senator Harry Reid calls those who have violated U.S. Immgration laws as "undocumentated Americans" as he did recently on the Senate Floor.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Someone smack some sense into John McCain!

"Sen. John McCain of Arizona found himself isolated Tuesday night as he staunchly defended controversial immigration legislation against a barrage of criticism from his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination, who argued that the bill is deeply flawed and should not be approved by Congress".-Washington Post

It was good to see that the other Presidential candidates were smacking John McCain around on his Bush like stubbornness to push S. 1348 aka the Senate Illegal Immigrant Amnesty bill through congress. Here are some of the money quote smack downs:
From Rudy Giuliani:
"The problem with this immigration plan is it has no real unifying purpose," former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani said. "It's a typical Washington mess. It's everybody compromises. . . . And when you look at these compromises, it is quite possible it will make things worse."

He has got that right! But, of course the gang of 12 which includes McCain are not thinking that far when it comes to the Senate Amnesty bill maybe this will give them something to think about:

"On average, low-skilled illegal immigrant workers claim fewer tax credits and use fewer social welfare services than their legal counterparts. But critics of the legislation predict that legalizing undocumented immigrants will lead to a rush on public services that will outweigh any increase in tax revenue from the newly legalized workers."

Meanwhile McCain came back with this stupid argument:
"McCain said that inaction represents "de facto amnesty" for the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the country."

Earth to McCain it is only a "defacto" amnesty if we continue to NOT enforce the current immigration laws. Does John McCain think we citizens are really that stupid. We have the illegal immigration problem we have today because politicians (like McCain) did not have the will to enforce our current laws and they expect us to believe that they will enforce the ones in the new Senate Bill.
"McCain defended the bill as the best compromise on an issue that has deeply divided the Republican Party. "It's our job to do the hard things," he said, "not the easy things."

Like enforcing current immigration laws Senator McCain?
"At one point, Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.) called for suspending most legal immigration, which drew rebukes from many on stage. McCain called the idea "beyond my realm of thinking" and said that the United States must remain a beacon for the rest of the world. "And the lady that holds her lamp beside the golden door is still the ideal and the dream," he added."

Once again McCain tries to use symbolism for logic. Whenever a politician like McCain tries to use the Statue of Liberty for justifying the unchecked immigration policy that he and others have allowed to get out of hand they should be reminded that right next to the Statue of Liberty is Ellis Island were almost every immigrant coming into this country had to go through to be documented before being allowed in. They should also be reminded that it was also used as a deportation center remove those who did not obey our laws.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Two wrongs don't give you rights!

The New York Times in an editorial yesterday complained about an amendment offered by Senator John Cornyn to the Senate immigration Bill. The editorial probably composed from the Hamptons summer house of some liberal editorial writer at the Times called it a "particularly noxious amendment". What is so onerous about Senator Cronyn's amendment according to the Times. That if an illegal immigrant is found to have crossed our borders illegal and then say used identity theft i.e. stolen or fake Social Security numbers they would not be allowed to get a Z visa and in fact would face deportation. What the limo liberals at the New York Times and the illegal immigrants have to understand is the two wrongs (entering the U.S. illegally and Identity Theft) do not give you rights to get a Z visa.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Dems at the Debate

I watched the Democratic debate last night on CNN and was impressed with the choice of candidates despite the "staged" appearance of the the top three Edwards, Clinton and Obama standing next to each other. I think Mike Gravel (who I never saw before ) impressed me most with his "inconvenient truth" comment on the war:"Former senator Mike Gravel (Alaska) accused Democrats of complicity in Iraq. "Sure, it's George Bush's war. But it's the Democrats' war also," he said."
If he's in the New York Primary I'm pulling his lever. As for the others they lost me on there immigration positions especially Bill Richardson.


Well like President Bush the Washington Post is trying to give some cover to the Senators who are trying to push the back room illegal immigrant amnesty bill through the Senate. While it is easy for many of us to take the eye off the ball it is the future of our country we are talking about here. The Senators like Arizona Republican John Kyl think they have heard the last of the outrage from U.S. citizens about the bill:

"But with a week of action set to begin today, the legislation's champions say they believe that the voices of opposition, especially from conservatives, represent a small segment of public opinion. Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), who led negotiations on the bill for his party, said the flood of angry calls and protests that greeted the deal two weeks ago has since receded every day."

Looks like it's time to give Senator Kyl a wake call or email:
Senator John Kyl
Phone: (202) 224-4521
Fax: (202) 224-2207 Fax: (520) 797-3232

Give him and your Senators a call and you might remind them that there are at least 25 REASONS NOT TO PASS THE SENATE AMNESTY BILL S1348!

U.S. Immigration laws are merely a suggestion?

Shankar Vedantam in the Washington Post has an article on why our leaders in Washington D.C. have failed us on immigration and why they will continue to fail the citizens of this country if the Senate Amnesty Bill is passed. Here are some of the money quotes:

"Husak and Solum, legal theorists and philosophers, argue that laws on immigration are part of a broad pattern. In recent decades, they say, Congress has passed innumerable laws that no one seriously expects will be enforced. Such laws largely seem to serve symbolic purposes and are often designed to placate some powerful constituency -- conservatives in the case of immigration, or the entertainment industry in the case of laws that seek to deter people from swapping copyrighted music and movies."

No one seriously expects to be enforced? I think the American people actually want our immigration laws enforced. It is Congress has yet to learn that when they make laws they actually have to enforce them. They did not do it in 1986 when there were three million illegals in the U.S. and now they want to do the same thing when there are 12 million illegals. "Stupid is as stupid does" as Forrest Gump would say.

"When we set up laws that are intended to express symbolic disapproval, but that we are not willing to enforce, we send a message that we are not expecting people to obey the law," Solum said. "The immigration laws are a perfect example of that."

And if the Senate Amnesty Bill passes the stupid Senators who vote for this bill will be sending that message to the world once again!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

JFK bomb plot: The good news and the bad news.

"Authorities said Saturday that they had broken up an alleged terrorist plot to bomb aviation fuel tanks and pipelines at John F. Kennedy International Airport, arresting a former airport worker and two other men with links to Islamic extremists in South America and the Caribbean".-Washington Post

Well that's the good news.

"The plot did not get beyond the planning stages and had no apparent direct links to al-Qaeda or other Middle Eastern terrorist groups, according to officials and documents released Saturday."

That's the bad news because it appears we have more people that want to harm the U.S. than we thought. It would be curious to see how these guys got into the U.S. and it looks like only one of them was a "legal" U.S. resident. The other bad news is these guys were not only insiode the country but, working at the airport but, President Bush would say "they were doing the job that Americans don't want to do".

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Al Gore "of course"

My girlfriend attended Al Gore's lecture and book signing in Washington D.C. this past week. As she went up to the table for him to sign her book. She thanked him for all the hard work he has done on environmental issues. To which he replied "Of course" We are still trying to figure that answer out.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Illegal police officers? What's next?

Michelle Malkin has a bizzare story of an illegal alien:
A Milwaukee police officer was arrested Wednesday by federal immigration agents on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant who assumed the identity of his dead cousin a decade ago, officials said.
The officer, who has lived and worked under the name Jose A. Morales since he was a teenager, was arrested by agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, police spokeswoman Anne E. Schwartz confirmed Wednesday.

But as Michelle reminds us we don't need to be concerned:
"Oh, but have no fear. The background checks for the massive illegal alien shamnesty will be so much better at detecting fraud and weeding out the bad guys. Really, just trust Bush/McCain/Kennedy/Chertoff/Graham. Because, you know, they know so much more about "reality" than we do."