Friday, June 30, 2006

Another undocumented murderer!

One of the most under reported stories is the crimes commited by illegal immigrants. Even more disturbing is how they are reported in the mainstream news media. This week Angel Maturino Resendiz was executed in Texas for the killing of at least 15 people. He was an illegal immigrant but, this is how the Wasington Post reported the story in a little blurb on page 26 of Wednesday's paper:

"HUNTSVILLE, Tex. -- A man linked to at least 15 killings near railroad tracks in 1998 and 1999 was executed. Angel Maturino Resendiz, 46, was executed for raping and murdering a Houston physician in 1998."

Even the right wing Fox News has a story that brushes over the fact that Resendiz was an illegal immigrant. While the reporting or lack there of on this story is an outrage. Even more outrageous is the fact the failure of the Federal Government to enforce our immigration laws and protect our borders allowed Resendiz into the country in the first place and the result is the murder of 15 people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is an outrage to me is the under-reporting of the WMD's that were found in Iraq. After all the years of listening to this nonsense about this being a "trumped up war just because the President wanted to grab the oil" hardly anyone in the media is even reporting it. All the containers filled with poison gas has just been cast to the wind with very little notice. Shame on the media!

What is also an outrage to me is the inattention by the media and even the right wing media, except for Lou Dobbs, who are not reporting Bush's dirty little secret union he is trying to create between Mexico, the U.S. and Canada which throws open our borders for free trade and migration. All this phony talk about securing our borders by the Congress and President is just hot air when they all know full well, dems and reps, that our countries soveriegnty is being sacrified for free trade. Perhaps it might make some kind of sense if these two countries were our friends but both would like nothing better than to see us on our knees. President Bush should be impeached and the Congress all voted out of office for their treachery to the citizens of this country who are nothing more than "consumers" in their opinion.