Monday, June 26, 2006

Surprise, Surprise Surprise!

Fred Hiatt in today's Washington Post has a column on "immigration reform" where even he has to admit that there is something more to the anger of U.S. taxpayers over the immigration issue. Take this quote:

"It would be easy for supporters of comprehensive reform (like me) simply to blame xenophobes, racists and right-wing radio talk-show hosts for this state of affairs. It's true, after all, that many polls show that a majority of Americans want more than enforcement."

You got that right Fred! How about instead of new legislation start enforcing the laws already on the books!

There is even hope that my fellow Democrats are waking up to the wishes of the people in regards to the failures of the Federal Government to enforce current immigration law.

Democrat Jane Harman of California said this:
"All voters wanted to talk about, Harman said, was building fences, strengthening the border and keeping people out. "And these were Democrats," she said. "It was an eye-opener. I was really surprised."

At least she is starting to get it unlike the Senate Dems who passed the flawed amnesty bill recently. It may turn out that those politicans who fail to represent the wishes of the voters/taxpayers in regards to the illegal immigration issue will be the ones really surprised this November!

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