Monday, January 16, 2006

Hola Soccers! Err Suckers!

Eight illegal immigrants were arrested yesterday in upstate Brewster New York. They were caught playing soccer on a school field. There are a souple of things to note about this story that need closer inspection.

1) The WNBC website reported the status in true Orwellian journalism of the mainstream media by saying:

"Eight immigrant laborers that authorities say are undocumented aliens"

Instead of saying illegal aliens WNBC skirts around the words regarding people who have broken the immigration laws of this country even using the term "immigrant laborers" is bad reporting because obviously if they were caught playing soccer on a school field they were not working.

2) What really got my attention on this story is the following passage:
"Victor Padilla, Brewster's Hispanic liaison, said many immigrants are illiterate. He said they can't read English or Spanish, adding some of them don't even know how to count."

Even though "NO TRESPASSEING" signs were posted in English and Spanish they mean nothing to the current crop of illegals entering our coutry. These illegal immigrants are not the smartest people but smart enough to invade the Untied States and travel thousands of miles across our country evading the authorities. thanks to the FAILURE of the Federal Government to protect and secure our borders. Think about that next time you see the dollars spent on the Department of Defense budget! .How long does this have to go on before our Federal government starts listening to the people and get serious about protecting our borders and stopping the subsidizing this illegal labor force by middle-class taxpayers.

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